The end of the twenty-first century.

It was the end of February and March was coming, and the weather was still a bit chilly. The passers-by on the road wrapped their clothes tightly and looked hurried.

Luzhou No. 1 Middle School is one of the key high schools in Kyushu.

It has always been the focus of countless parents and teachers.

This seemingly mediocre high school does not know how many talents it sends to the whole country every year.

In Qingbei alone, there are dozens of people every year.

Today's school looks extremely lively.

The campus has always been empty and deserted, but at this time there are many students.

They took the class chairs, chatted and laughed with each other and rushed towards the football field.

Hundred Days Oath!

It is something that countless students have experienced.

It is not only to encourage students, but also to give them a motivation to fight hard.

As a middle school that the education department has always been optimistic about, the hundred-day oath will naturally not be hasty.

Not only are there high-level officials in the school, but there are even several well-known scholars and leaders in the education system.


A loud voice sounded from the loudspeaker, and the students who were a little noisy at first became quiet in an instant.

There is no sound in Nuoda's playground, only the wind is still whistling in my ears.

"Respected teachers, dear students, good morning everyone, today, we are holding a grand ceremony here, the 100-day swearing-in meeting for the college entrance examination..."

The familiar lines and the ups and downs of the tone made many students excited, as if they had endless power.

The high school students are in the period of youthful enthusiasm, coupled with the host's emotional exaggeration, the playground applauded one after another.

Immediately afterwards!

It was many leaders who spoke.

I don't know why, but it seems to be common to all schools.

Whenever a leader speaks at the top, the students below are listless.

It seems that there is some kind of magic in their voices, which always makes people feel tired.

On the high platform at the top of the playground, except for the principal of the school, the leaders of the Ministry of Education and well-known scholars.

There was also a boy who looked extremely young.

Eyes full of stars, a face with sharp edges and corners, and an appearance that is calm about everything.

It attracted countless girls to fall in love with it.

Even the school uniform that has been complained about by countless people does not have a sense of disobedience on him.

On the contrary, the incomparable harmony added a touch of vigor.

Facts have proved that it is not that the school uniform is not good-looking, but that there is something wrong with the person who wears it.

Su Xing!

The man of the school is not only extraordinary in appearance, but also has excellent grades.

Take care of other people's children.

The school specially invited Su Xing up this time, hoping that he can set an example for the students and reward their fighting spirit.

Fortunately, after a hundred days, the university that can be centrifuged will go one step further!

Although in the eyes of some people, this activity has no effect.

However, all the schools in Kyushu hold a 100-day oath every year, which naturally makes sense.

The speeches of the leaders above are still in full swing.

But Su Xing, who was sitting on the far right, had already lost his mind at this moment.

Just because not from this world.

It has been a full day since he came to this world before he slowly accepted this fact.

This is a parallel world similar to the previous life, but there is no so-called history of humiliation.

Since the Ming Dynasty, Kyushu has stood proudly on top of the world, and it is one of the best superpowers in the world.

Whether it is military, political or economic, it is one of the best.

But for some reason, since the 1990s, the younger generation in Kyushu has become worse and worse than before.

Many well-known awards in the world have never seen Kyushu again.

Already there are faint signs of failure.

Numerous scholars have blamed Kyushu's international defeat on the new generation, saying that they are the sinners of Kyushu.

He only knows how to enjoy himself, but does not think about making progress, and indulges in games, star chasing and other entertainment life.

But Su Xing knew that this was completely nonsense.

It is the performance of the weak to blame everything on others without making a little achievement.

The parallel world is so similar to the previous world.

It was the same in the previous life. How many people said that the post-80s generation is a ruined generation.

But the country that is getting stronger and stronger is enough to prove that the post-80s generation is not as unbearable as the predecessors said.

So similar words have been transferred to post-90s, and even post-00s.

However, that is only temporary.

When they work with certificates, the society and the country can fully prove their excellence.

It's just that compared to the previous life, the words of this world are more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Su Xing in his previous life was one of thousands who were ridiculed and then forged ahead.

With excellent grades, he was recommended to enter the highest institution of higher learning all the way, and overcame countless difficulties with his tutor. Make immortal feats.

But later, because I paid too much attention to scientific research, I didn't pay attention to the traffic lights on the way home, and I lost consciousness after being hit by a car, so I came here.

In that previous life, Su Xing dedicated his whole life.

He hasn't thought about what to do in this life yet.

It's just that he didn't expect that in this life, he would take part in such a sacred thing as the college entrance examination.

In his previous life, he did not take the college entrance examination due to the recommendation, which is a bit regrettable. ,

But now, this regret can be made up for.

Listen, is this something a person... should say?


"Hi everyone, I'm Ouyang Xuan! Students!"

"June is destined to be a war without gunpowder smoke. How many times can we fight in life? When not fighting at this time, talented people come out from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years! The sea is boundless and the sky is the shore. Climbing to the top, I am the peak! Today..."

An excited voice interrupted his thoughts, Su Xing turned his head slightly, and saw an older scholar.

Su Xing didn't know the old man who was provoking his words at this time. It is said that he was a professor invited by the school.

But for his words, Su Xing still quite approves.

Today's high school students, when they are young, can still arouse the blood in some people's hearts.

It's just hard to say how long the breath in the chest will last.

Maybe one day, maybe two people, or even longer.

Maybe some people can last until the end of the college entrance examination, it will vary from person to person.

Su Xing understood something when he heard the roaring voice.

Why is it that the ears of the school teachers are getting sharper than the other, but after reaching the principal's level, they are more or less deaf.

Now Su Xing has found the reason, and it was all caused by the loudspeaker.

Su Xing endured the discomfort in his body and continued to listen patiently.

It has to be said that the professor Ouyang Xuan beside him is still very capable.

In many places, Su Xing couldn't help but nod when he heard it.

As I write, I think of the years in high school, which is beautiful and painful! *

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