100-Day Swearing-In: A Young Man's Speech Made A Sensation In The Whole School

82: King Zhou of Shang is a cruel, tyrannical and faint king?

Seeing that Su Xing agreed, Producer Rao left the school with a smile on his face. The leaders of the school gave some instructions and left one by one.

After everyone disappeared, Su Xing didn't have any interest in eating "candy".

He planned to take advantage of this time to take a good look at the history of Kyushu.

Now that you have agreed, try to do your best, this is Su Xing~'s long-standing principle.

Just when Su Xing was devoting himself to his studies, the online "Romantic People in Ancient and Modern Times" column team had already released the news about the invitation to Su Xing.

In the preview of the column group, Su Xing's photo was also put up.

When netizens saw the news, they were a little confused.

"The program team is out of their minds? Invite a student to come up, what kind of history does he know!

"Actually, it doesn't matter. After all, Su Xing's reputation is not bad. It's okay to come here to adjust the atmosphere."

"However, the trailer said that the theme of this issue is King Zhou, which is a bit interesting.

We all know that King Zhou is a tyrant, and he did all the messy things like wine pools and meat forests. When we talk about King Zhou, we should talk about his love affairs! 35

"Good boy, so you have such an idea! You can really do it! But... I want to hear about Daji, but I don't know if she has any differences with historical figures.

"You're pretty good at pretending, you look like an ISP, and you speak so righteously!

Daba! The building is crooked again!

Netizens left messages under the program group's official Weibo. Of course, not many people were optimistic about Su Xing.

Some netizens who know Su Xing know that his major is physics, so naturally they don't have too much hope for Su Xing.

Although some of them have also watched the video of Su Xing's interpretation of Cao Cao.

But what era was that! It was the Three Kingdoms!

At any rate, the Three Kingdoms still has some supporting historical materials, such as "Three Kingdoms".

But what will the next issue be about? It's King Zhou!

King Zhou was the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty, more than 3,000 years ago, and many historical materials cannot be verified.

At that time, there were no bamboo tubes, and the records were basically recorded with tortoise shells and animal bones.

What is closer to the truth today is the "Shangshu" written by the Zhou people!

But Zhou people are Zhou people after all, history is written by the victors, and the truth is always biased!

Some professors who specialize in history may not be able to understand it thoroughly.

Su Xing? Forget it!

Those who know Su Xing are not very optimistic about him, let alone others.

In their eyes, how could a student have any unique insights into history.

With the hot discussion on the Internet, the students of Tsingbei University also knew that Su Xing would participate in the program.

"Su Xing is going to take part in the show "Historical Heroes"? He deserves to be a perfect scorer in the college entrance examination. He really embarrasses our school.

"I'm not very skeptical about Su Xing's ability, but the theme this time is too biased, if I don't agree, I'm afraid I will be scolded by netizens!

"Yeah! There are so many historical figures, why did you choose King Zhou! King Zhou is not a good guy, I really don't know what the program team thinks!

"It's okay! Being able to be on such an authoritative history program when I was a student is already very remarkable.

The students in the school did not go too far like netizens, but they were not very optimistic about Su Xing either.

But, after all, Su Xing is their alumni and represents the face of the school. They still have some sense of propriety, and they didn't say anything too much, just worried that Su Xing would not behave well when the time comes.

A few days before the show started, Su Xing went to the official TV station to record the show in advance.

When they just left the TV station, Professor Li Ming and Professor Lan Zhou from Tsingbei University beside them looked complicated.

The way they looked at Su Xing was like looking at a monster.

"Your understanding of history is really deep, so deep that I don't even understand some places like you!" Professor Li Ming said with great emotion.

Professor Lan Zhou from Qingbei University also nodded secretly.

If someone had told him before that a student's understanding of history was comparable to that of an old scholar who had studied for many years, he would not have believed it.

But after the recording of the show just now, he no longer had any doubts.

After saying goodbye to Professor Li Ming, Professor Lan Zhou took Su Xing to Qingbei University.

along the way!

The professor began to recruit Su Xing frantically, and even resorted to tricks.

Saying that my students are a bunch of unworthy things, there will be no successors in the history of Kyushu in the future!

He also sincerely hopes that Su Xing can transfer to the Department of History, etc., and there are many other things like that.

It made Su Xing's head a little big.

It's all boring, I keep saying, it's so annoying!

Jiujiu: I was offended!

Time soon came to the day when the program was broadcast, and countless viewers sat in front of the TV and looked forward to it.

Of course, some Su Xing fans also sat in front of the computer and TV and watched the show.

At the beginning of the show, the host Sa Beining first said some basic opening remarks.

Then began to introduce several guests who came to the show.

"Let us applaud, Professor Li Ming from Yenching Chinese University, and Professor Lan Zhou from Qingbei University."

"Of course, there is also our special guest in this program, the genius boy——Student Su Xing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole studio burst into warm applause.

"You should be familiar with the person in front of me. Although he is only 18 years old this year, he has already made good achievements in many aspects.

"A piece of "Youth Talk" made Wu Mathematicians work hard, and the sentence "It was only common at that time! It ignited the entire social circle. Of course, he also won the gold medal in the International Youth Mathematics Competition, or

"Therefore, we specially invited Su Xing to participate in the recording of this program.

"I don't know if Su Xing has prepared well before coming here, and how he plans to talk freely about this King Zhou who has been scolded by the world all the time?"

After speaking, Sabinin handed the microphone to Su Xing.

Su Xing took the microphone, without a smile on his face, and even a little angry.

"That, let me stress again, I am just an ordinary person, please don't call me a genius anymore, I am under a lot of pressure!

"My gold medals and the poems I wrote, you can do the same if you work hard.

"It's just that I'm relatively young, and I really deserve the name of a genius!

Su Xing said it very sincerely, but it sounded extremely awkward to Sabinin.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he clenched his teeth tightly, suppressing a smile.

Seeing Sa Beining's appearance, the audience in front of the TV and computer laughed out loud.

"Okay! Although I, Su Xing, have written two poems and won a gold medal in an international mathematics competition, I am just an ordinary person, not a genius. Is there a problem? No problem!

"I've learned it. In the same way, although I only know how to play games, online dating, do nothing, and I can't play games well, but I'm a genius. There's nothing wrong with that!"

"The brother upstairs is right, it's very reasonable, since the peak can't be kept, it's better to enter the factory and provide food and lodging! I think it will work!

Su Xing in the show looked normal, and continued to say to himself:

"The character discussed in this program is King Zhou, and I actually don't know much about this character.

"The two professors should know more than me, so let's listen to what the two professors say!""

When it came to business, Sabinin finally recovered.

He smiled and nodded towards the camera, and said loudly:

"Okay! Thanks to Su Xing for his speech, we also understand what he said, and the following program officially begins.

"Before that, let's watch a short video."

With that said, the backstage staff released the relevant video.

The content of the video is roughly the clips in some film and television materials, and beside it is the current general opinion of King Zhou in Kyushu.

After the video was played in just a few minutes, the audience had a general understanding of King Zhou.

"Okay, we've finished watching the video, now let the two professors briefly talk about their views on King Zhou!"

Saying that, Sa Beining looked at the two professors.

Professor Li Ming pondered for a while, thought for a while, and said in a calm voice:

"Di Xin, the last monarch of the Shang Dynasty, is known as "Dou" and "Shang Zhou King" in the world. The Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties project presumes his reign to be 30 years."

"Di Xin is the youngest son of Emperor Yi. After succeeding to the throne, he established court songs in the interior, increased taxes, tightened the Zhou sacrifice system, changed the employment policy, implemented severe punishments, and repeatedly sent troops to attack the Dongyi tribes.

Its various measures not only caused contradictions within the ruling group, but also shook the ruling foundation of the Shang Dynasty.

In the Battle of Muye, the Shang army was defeated by the allied forces led by King Wu of Zhou. Emperor Xin died and the Shang Dynasty fell.

"In the traditional historiographical narrative, Di Xin was a typical tyrant who, together with Xia Jie, was called "Jie Zhou" by indulging in wine and sex, resorting to war, punishing heavy punishments, and refusing advice to cover up wrongdoing.

......・Ask for flowers··0

In the end, the people betrayed their relatives, and the country was destroyed. Related allusions include the wine pool and meat forest, the punishment of cannon fire, and the rooster sitting in the morning.

But now we still have great disputes about these allusions!"

The audience still listened to Professor Li Ming's previous words with great interest, but the last few words made the audience frown slightly.

Why are the allusions about King Zhou so controversial?

"What is Professor Li Ming talking about? Aren't these things all done by King Zhou?"

"What's worse than having one's heart gouged out, wine pools of meat, punishment of being burned by fire, massacre of slaves, exploitation of the people, listening to women's words, ignoring government affairs, etc., which one was not done by King Zhou?"

"Let's listen to what the professor has to say first! As a professor at Yenching Chinese University, he should not be aimless!"

The audience stared at the screen very curiously, and they all wanted to know what the basis of Professor Li was.

At this time, Sa Beining in the program had already picked up the microphone, and he asked with a hint of doubt:

"Professor Li's words are a bit interesting! How did you come to such a judgment?"

Professor Li Ming smiled slightly, not taking it seriously.

"I say this, of course, there is a certain basis.

"First of all, the capital of Shang has been relocated many times, and the last time was Yin. The reason for the relocation was the lack of food and famine.

The capital has moved in due to the famine, so where can we get food for wine pools and meat forests? It's not that he wants to, but he can't do it. 55

"Secondly, the productivity of Jiuchi Meat Forest was completely different from that of the time, simply put, it was contrary to the productivity and food preservation technology at that time!

"Of course, this was just an artistic treatment at the time. Just judging from this story, the life of King Shang Zhou at that time was still extremely corrupt. 35

Under Professor Li Ming's explanation, the audience friends only then understood.

Maybe King Zhou did something similar at that time, but it was magnified countless times by some caring people, which led to the result of Jiuchi Meat Forest.

"What about the torture of being burned!" Sa Beining looked at Professor Li Ming and asked.

What Sa Beining wanted to ask was also what countless viewers wanted to know.

Professor Li Ming nodded, paused for a while, and then continued:

"According to the records of the Historian, King Zhou did implement the punishment of cannon fire, but in the 1990s, a batch of Chu tubes from the Warring States period came out of the cultural relics market, and these Chu tubes are now preserved in the Shanghai Museum.""

"Among them, there is a lost ancient article "Rong Cheng's", which records the punishment of cannon fire!"

"It's said above: As a nine-story platform, put charcoal under it, add wood on it, think about the people's way, those who can tell it, and those who can't, die inside. Those who don't follow orders will be shackles Of."

"What does it mean!

"Roughly, King Zhou built a nine-story platform, a log was placed on top of the platform, Meng charcoal was placed under it, and people walked on the log.

It doesn't matter if you don't fall, if you fall, you will fall into the charcoal. Of course, if you disobeyed King Zhou's order and walked on a log, you would be arrested as a criminal. "

"Judging from "Rong Chengshi", it seems that it is just a game. The people who are called to participate in the game are 'people', referring to free people. When they disobey orders, they are treated as criminals and shackled. 99

"The sensational torture of the later generations should be gradually deduced from the game of "Rong Chengshi""

"So, at that time, King Zhou should have used this game instead of the punishment of cannon fire! 35

"Of course, it's definitely not the right thing to do, but it's not necessarily true to say how brutal the game is.

After listening to Professor Li Ming's explanation, the audience sitting in front of the TV and computers were hooked.

In the next few minutes, Professor Li Ming explained the controversy of several other stories one after another.

The audience also watched with gusto.

"Well, the two professors spoke very well! In your eyes, what kind of person is King Zhou? 99'

"Let's let Professor Lan Zhou talk about it! On this, our views are the same! Professor Li Ming laughed and pointed to Professor Lan Zhou beside him.

Professor Lan Zhou cleared his throat and said in a deep voice:

"In that case, let me talk about it!"

"King Zhou is talented, eloquent, quick-moving, very receptive, and extremely powerful, able to fight fierce beasts with his bare hands..."

Professor Lan Zhou roughly summed up that King Zhou was talented and intelligent, but he was tyrannical and impermanent, and he was a foolish king.

Objectively speaking, this evaluation is still very pertinent.

However, Su Xing who was sitting on the side didn't quite agree with it.

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