Su Xing is not very clear about what happened online.

He had just finished shopping with Li Yuer and returned to the hotel.

Picking up the phone, I saw countless missed calls and several text messages.

After looking at it for a while, Su Xing finally understood what happened.

There were dozens of text messages, most of which were from internet companies looking for cooperation, and of course there were text messages from the competition official.

After knowing that Dabai had successfully advanced, Su Xing threw the phone aside and never paid attention to it.

next day!

The sun was rising, and the moment the curtains were opened, the dazzling light shone into the room.

"Xiao Xing, what are you doing? Let me sleep a little longer, okay!" Li Yu'er lay on the bed with her eyes closed, and said in a daze.

Su Xing gently leaned against Li Yuer's side, pinching her face.

"Dabai entered the final, you forgot?" Hearing Su Xing's words, Li Yu'er reluctantly opened her eyes.

Suddenly, Li Yu'er jumped up.

She looked a little hasty, and ran towards the living room in a hurry.

While running, he said: "It's over, it's over, I forgot to charge Dabai yesterday. 39

"I recharged it for him yesterday!" Su Xing said angrily.

Knowing that Li Yu'er was a little confused, Su Xing took a special look at Dabai before going to bed.

Of course, even if you forget to charge Dabai, it’s no big deal, and it’s the same when you go to the competition to charge it now.

After eating breakfast, Li Yu'er held Dabai with her left hand and Su Xing with her right hand, her eyes crooked with a smile.

not long!

The two appeared on the street with Dabai, and countless people noticed that white Dabai the moment he appeared.

"I love Dabai so much! I really want to have such a robot."

"Is this Dabai? After reading Weibo yesterday, I rushed over early in the morning, and I finally saw what Dabai looks like. It's really cute! 55

"It looks like Dabai is going to participate in today's finals. I heard that Dabai still has some functions that will be shown to everyone today. You must follow up and watch it!

The tourists followed behind Dabai and poured into the No. 1 area.

There are a total of 20 robots entering the final competition, and they will be displayed in turn in the center of the venue to determine the final winner!

"First of all, let us congratulate these robot enthusiasts who have entered the finals. Next, they will show off one by one, and the professional judges will score and select the most valuable robot."5

The host's voice slowly spread through the microphone, and the whole venue burst into warm applause.

"Dabai! Eternal God!" Someone shouted in the crowd.

Afterwards, the entire venue heard "Dabai" endlessly. The host couldn't help showing a smile when he heard the whistling sound from both sides.

"Yesterday, I also learned about Dabai. After watching some clips, my eyes suddenly brightened. I never thought that Dabai has already achieved this level in terms of human-computer interaction. Of course, all of this is inseparable from His founder Su Xing.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing, Dabai and Li Yuer appeared on the big screen in the center of the venue.

Seeing Dabai's simple and honest appearance, the whole venue became a sensation again.

"However, besides Dabai, there are still many other excellent robots. For example, the sweeping robot from Maple Leaf Country, the maid robot from Sakura Country, and the...

For some reason, after seeing Dabai's wonderful performance, the audience is not very interested in other robots.

Su Xing, who was sitting below, was a little puzzled.

He just took a look at the profile of the maid robot in Maple Leaf Country, that robot can only pour coffee!

How did it make it to the finals? This is somewhat outrageous!

While Su Xing was staring at the maid robot on the screen, he suddenly felt a killing intent coming from the side.

At that moment, Su Xing suddenly realized!

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect these people to see a robot, and he can drive a car!

It's outrageous!

Afterwards, under the guidance of the host, the first robot to be displayed has already gone down to prepare.

At the same time, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the venue, and then, a large number of bodyguards in suits appeared in everyone's sight.

The audience turned around with some doubts, and saw a middle-aged man in a suit with a resolute face, not angry but mighty.

"Damn, isn't this the grand Chen Yuanqiao? Why is he here?"

"Could it be that what was said on the Internet yesterday is true? He didn't come here for Dabai, did he?"

Just as Chen Yuanqiao found his place, several sons walked in from the gate of the venue, and they all surrounded a man of medium stature.

The audience on the side saw this person exclaim again.

"Damn, isn't this the national husband? Why did he come here?"

"I don't know why when I saw him, I felt a little inexplicably wanting to laugh.

"I understand, I understand! Today I was hit on the head by a coconut, but I am very happy, because this is the coconut that misses you! 35

"Damn it, stop talking, you vomited me out!

When the audience started laughing and teasing Prince Wang, he had already found a place to sit down.

The host was also shocked, and just about to open his mouth to welcome, a large number of people poured out of the door again.

And the mouths of the audience are getting bigger and bigger, they are completely dumbfounded!

"Penguin's brother Ma, I don't know his wife Meiqiang brother Dong, who are these people here?"

"A world robotics conference has gathered so many bigwigs, those who didn't know it thought they were having some kind of business meeting!

"It's amazing, from today I'm a person with status, at least I've sat with big shots in the Internet industry.

"Pretend or do you know how to pretend?"

"Could they all come for the same purpose? Could it be that the information they posted online yesterday was all true?

In fact, it is not only the Internet giants in Kyushu.

In the next few minutes, many leaders of foreign Internet companies rushed over across the ocean.

The audience was a little excited at first, but then they went numb.

Isn’t it just some bigwigs worth over 100 million? What’s the big deal! It’s not sitting in the same venue as me now.

Seeing that many entrepreneurs had sat down, the host nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, we have seen many famous entrepreneurs come to watch this robot competition!

"Among them are Little Ma from Penguin, Chen Yuanqiao from Shanda, and many outstanding company representatives!

"First of all, let's welcome him with warm applause!"

The voice just fell!

The whole venue burst into thunderous applause!

After all, the people sitting below are all bigwigs in the industry! The audience is somewhat excited.

The host paused for a moment, realizing that something was off topic, so he hurriedly brought the topic back.

"Back to the topic, let's applaud and invite the sweeping robot from Maple Leaf Country to show its functions!

As the host's voice fell, there were sparse applause in the venue.

Obviously, the audience is not very interested in the sweeping robot.

Those Internet bigwigs didn't even raise their heads, instead they sat together and whispered.

In this regard, the host could only shake his head helplessly. After all, their identities are there, and their appearance here today has already surprised the officials.

How dare you have an opinion on them!

The sweeping robot brought by Maple Leaf Country is actually not complicated. In fact, it is a very common robot used to clean the room in the previous life.

It's just because the Internet industry is not developed now, so it seems a bit novel.

Of course, for some ordinary viewers, this kind of robot is still very fresh, and they still watch it with gusto!

After half an hour of this, some robots took to the stage to demonstrate, and finally it was Su Xing's turn!

Just when Su Xing led Dabai onto the stage, the eyes of those Internet tycoons lit up, and they became energetic in an instant.

At this time, the camera on the big screen gave them a close-up!

Seeing the reactions of these big shots, the audience was a little speechless.

You are here for Dabai, don't be so obvious!

It's fine if everyone is so serious, why are they so far away?

You were so close just now, but now that Dabai is on the stage, you all act like you don't know each other, which is somewhat outrageous!

After Su Xing took the stage, he immediately activated Dabai!

"Yesterday I demonstrated Dabai's simplest human-computer interaction ability, which must be clear to everyone!

"Here, let's demonstrate a little bit!

Then Li Yu'er came up.

Watching the intimate interaction between Dabai and Li Yuer, communicating without barriers.

The Internet tycoons sitting at the bottom instantly became excited, and whispered to the secretary next to them:

"With Dabai, we can at least be decades ahead of other companies in terms of artificial intelligence!

"You go and prepare, no matter what the price is, you must get Su Xing's technology!"

The secretaries next to each other quietly left the venue after hearing what their bosses said.

"You have also seen some of the functions that I just learned!"

"None of that matters for what's to come!

Hearing Su Xing's words, the bosses of all the Internet companies below were dumbfounded.

"Technology that can communicate with humans without barriers, is this nothing? Is Su Xing floating, or are we too stretched!"

"Such a clumsy Dabai can't do other things! Isn't this bullshit? 35

"I don't believe Su Xing's words! No matter how you look at it, there is no high technology!

Everyone's reaction fell into Su Xing's eyes, he nodded slightly and said jokingly:

|| It seems that everyone doesn't believe it!

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing turned his head and looked at Chen Yuanqiao not far away.

"Mr. Chen! Don't you believe me?

Chen Yuanqiao noticed Su Xing's gaze, hesitated for a moment, and laughed.

"Of course I believe what you said, but if it is said that Dabai has other abilities, I am a little bit less convinced, after all, he looks really bulky!

"Mr. Chen is expressing everyone's aspirations! Why don't you do it like this! How about asking Mr. Chen to join me and show you Dabai's new functions?"

Su Xing still had a smile on his face, full of confidence.

"Okay! It's a great honor, Dabai is so cute, even I can't help but want to touch it!" 35 Chen Yuanqiao said teasingly.

Afterwards, Chen Yuanqiao came up. Who knew! He just touched Dabai when he came up!

This move actually caused the audience below to laugh.

"Dabai can relieve your loneliness and solve your troubles, but the most important thing is that he is actually a personal health consultant."

Su Xing's words once again made the audience a little puzzled.

Personal health advisor? Isn't that bullshit?

What does a robot know about health?

Doesn't this kind of thing need to go to the hospital to understand?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Su Xing finally spoke.

"Not much to say, just let Dabai show it, and you will understand!"

Without saying too much, Su Xing walked up to Dabai and squeezed his ear.

At that moment, the feeling of Xiaobai changed!

In addition to that stupid and cute feeling, it also exudes a very comfortable atmosphere.

"Hello! I am your personal health consultant Dabai, how can I help you! 35

"Scan the body of Mr. Chen Yuanqiao in front of me, and analyze (Qian Zhao's) his physique! 35 Su Xing nodded and said to Dabai.

Dabai turned around, stared blankly at Chen Yuanqiao, and scanned him from head to toe.

After a while, Dabai Nunuuo's voice continued to sound.

"Character: Chen Yuanqiao!

According to the first scan, Chen Yuanqiao's body is not very healthy, his liver and stomach are not very good, and recently he often feels dizzy and even has frequent tinnitus.

The reason is that I often stay up late, and my diet is extremely irregular!

You need to pay more attention, otherwise there is a possibility of disease at any time!"

Xiaobai's analysis came out slowly, and Chen Yuanqiao's expression changed slightly.

The analysis just now completely touched his heart, no matter in terms of symptoms or reasons, he was impeccable.

He was a little surprised, Dabai was able to analyze so much data just by looking at him!

"What happened just now? Why did Dabai analyze so much data just by looking at Chen Yuanqiao!

"Is what Dabai said true? Why do I not believe it! 99

"It should be true! Didn't you look at Chen Yuanqiao's face? There's something wrong? 99

The audience below were all discussing, and they all looked at Chen Yuanqiao Fen.

They all wanted to know if what Dabai said was true.

Chen Yuanqiao looked at the audience below and nodded solemnly.

"The analysis that Dabai just said is completely in line with my physical signs! 35

It fell with a bang! All the audience were stunned!

"Damn, is this true?"

"I can't believe it, Dabai can analyze so many things just by looking at Chen Yuanqiao, it's simply unbelievable."5

"But if you rely on this alone, it seems that you can't replace a private doctor!

"That's right! Even if you analyze these things, it doesn't seem to be of any use! It can't be treated, and you can't do anything else!"

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