100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 177: Great God Freya

It was a 'Giant Foot of Light' that could cover an entire street, and the blue energy was breathtaking under the slight night!

But no one will appreciate it at this moment, because everyone, including Coulson, feels that the 'big foot' is destructive!

If this is stepped on, what's the deal?

For a while, the death charge of the red tank and the giant feet stepped down from the sky gave the ground agents a feeling of 'we are small'!

Everyone fled, but Coulson, who reminded everyone to disperse, was in the center of the giant foot! Just four or five steps away, it's too late!


That giant foot of light trampled the charging red tank together with 'Colson' and several other agents under its feet!

The whole street shook! Where the giant feet stepped, the ground was sunken in the shape of a "foot"!

The strong air pressure blows away! The glass of the nearby buildings on both sides shattered under the pressure!


An agent who escaped from the trampling area yelled Coulson's name, with a crying tone in his tone!

Captain America, who was blown away, also witnessed this scene when he came back...

He couldn't help but look up...

This blue-light giant foot is just a giant foot and is not connected to any body, so it is impossible to tell who made it!

But Iron Man is under this blue light...reminiscent of the light of salvation!

Although the size is different, under the blue light, he thinks that this is the giant foot condensed by the light of salvation!

Did it kill Coulson when it attacked the red tank?

Iron Man thought this way, and for a moment the heart wrapped in the steel body was touched...

Hidden in the head armor, Tony Stark's big caramel-colored eyes blinked and blinked, as if there were tears in them.

He suddenly remembered every conversation he had with Coulson in the past, as well as the entertainment bar where he first met...

Those... can't go back...

In the past, the humorous conversations and laughter between the two people, now...

Just as happy memories of the past kept flashing in his mind... the giant foot lifted up with a bang!

Coulson, surrounded by a faint blue light, stood there! Looking around in bewilderment! It seems a little uncertain about the situation!

where am I? What just happened? I'm alive?

The agents who hadn't had time to disperse nearby also had different expressions! They are all wrapped in a layer of light blue blue light...

The great feet of light,

As if through them! Did not cause the slightest physical impact on them!

Except for one 'trampled'!

Red Tank!

His whole body was stepped into the ground, covered in gray smoke! Psionic energy left a strong imprint on his back!

Ivan, who was on the top of the building observing all this, blinked his blue pupils, and the giant feet of light turned into blue mist and disappeared without a trace.

Solve it...

To be honest, the strong defensive power of this 'red tank' was somewhat beyond Ivan's expectations. Logically speaking, this kick was the one that could crush that level of hatred into pieces.

And this red tank, although he can't get up again, but in appearance, his body is just flattened and mushy!

From this point of view, his defense is really strong.

No longer thinking about the red tank, in the state of spiritual vision, Ivan's eyes penetrated everything and focused on Jessica!

Jessica at this moment, blinking her black eyes, seemed to be thinking about something...then she started looking around!

Ivan smiled.

Are you looking for me? Jessica, you guessed it was me...

Lenovo ability is very good!

At the moment, the voice control was next to Jessica's ear: "Hurry up and go home~ I'll give you something to drink~!"

After speaking, Ivan smiled and opened the Azure Door, and returned home in one step.

Jessica below is a shocker!

Who is speaking in my ear?

Snapped! Iron Man patted her on the back with his mechanical hand as he passed her.

"Very good, black cavalry."

Regarding Coulson's death, Tony only felt that he had been cheated of his feelings! Next time, he decided not to think about it until he was sure who was really dead!

"How do you feel? Coulson." The head armor was slowly removed, revealing Tony's face.

"Oh... hoo..."

As an elite agent, Coulson slowed down and tried to calm himself down...

From his perspective just now, when the giant foot of light stepped down, there was a touch of blue in front of his eyes...

It's like a blue screen! The whole angle of view is blue!

And now...he saw the red tank lying on the ground, motionless...the whole process was like this!

"feel good."

Coulson nodded and forced a smile.

"Didn't you pee your pants?" Tony joked.

Coulson smiled: "Of course not, I just want to know... what was that just now?"

"That, I guess, is Salvation Light," Tony said.

"The light of salvation?"

General Ross narrowed his eyes: "As far as I know, the light of salvation is not that great."

"Maybe it's big or small?" Tony glanced at General Ross.

"Cough...Leave that alone, this guy you call the Red Tank."

General Ross looked at Coulson: "His body is handed over to us."

"I don't think he's dead."

Captain America stood beside the red tank and said.


General Ross glanced at Captain America and asked suspiciously: "His body has been deformed, you mean he is still alive?"

At this time, Daredevil walked over, patting the dust off his body, and said as he walked.

"Yes, I feel it too..."


"His weak breath!"


The night is getting dark...

Jessica has returned to the residence, and as Ivan expected, she is full of praise after drinking tea!

"Ivan, where did this come from?"

In the hall, Jessica looked at the empty cup in front of her and asked curiously.

"From Karma Taj."

"Very delicious!"

Jessica went to pick up the large thermos on the table, but...it was already empty!

"That's right, there are all these things at Karma Taj!"

When Ivan said this, he looked at Angel who came out of the bathroom: "By the way, Angel, didn't you say you were going to play with your brother?"

Angel was taken aback for a moment, but Ivan suddenly called him, and then responded.



Following the voice, Ivan waved one hand, and the blue portal appeared!

"Go, and come back with another pot of good tea!"


In the middle of the night, New York gradually returned to calm.

Ivan started today's review. First, he read spell-related books for a while. Before going to bed, he began to recharge the necklace for today.

In the pendant, the soul of the great god Freya has almost been nourished recently!

In fact, it is easy for Ivan to heal a faded soul, and even turn it into substance.

But it really takes a lot of time to nourish and complete the soul of an incomplete and long-standing great god.

It's like watering a flower, you have to do it day after day, and finally...it will bloom!

Just like today!

With the injection of blue light, the pendant lights up white in an instant!

Freya's soul burst out of it!

Just when Ivan thought she would return to the pendant with a sigh like every time, she spoke.

That voice, sweet and ethereal!

"The... elf of light?"

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