100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1017 The national flag and you are all in the heart (8)


Her skin was dazzlingly white, and her face was white with no blemishes. She was carrying a bag that was worth a lot of money at a glance. Her clothes couldn't see the brand, but it was obviously not cheap. At this point, she looked like a rich lady.

The two girls just smiled shyly at her and didn't dare to talk to her, but the simple Lan Wanwan at the back made them look kinder.

Sure enough, Lan Wanwan came in and chatted with them kindly, and gave them some candy. The three girls quickly became familiar with each other, chatting and laughing.

The dormitory is always on the bed and off the table. When Yu Chu opened his luggage and was about to make the bed, Lan Wanwan suddenly stood up and said kindly, "Chu Chu, you don't usually do this at home, why don't I help you?"

She wanted to ruin Murong Chu's image as "worthless and arrogant" in front of her roommates.

Yu Chu glanced at her, "Okay."

Lan Wanwan knew that she would not refuse, there was a hint of success in her eyes, and she hurried forward.

The two girls next to her were a little unnatural.

However, Yu Chu took something out of his bag next to him, came over and put it on the table, with a naive and cute smile, "Get to know me, I may trouble you a lot in the future, my heart is a little bad, cardiomyopathy, Although he recovered well, it is inconvenient in many places and may trouble you."

It turned out to be in bad health.

The two girls had also heard of this disease, and it was not easy to treat, so their eyes could not help but sympathize.

Coupled with this eldest-like character, who turned out to be so cheerful and polite, the two girls couldn't help but want to get closer, so they quickly smiled at her.

"I'll give this to you." Yu Chu pushed the things in his hand over with a smile on his face.

"Wow" The girls were surprised to see those expensive skin care products, but they were itchy and afraid to take them.

"It's alright, I didn't say it, I will trouble you with a lot of things in the future. My parents didn't let me live in the dormitory and worried about me, but I still want to meet new friends. Don't you want to make friends with me?"

The girls hurriedly shook their heads, and then took the things, and their impression of this eldest lady rose in their hearts.

When I mentioned the tone of my parents just now, it was like a child, and I felt like a very simple person.

And also a generous person.

The girls suddenly fell in love with her.

The three of them chatted, and they found that the eldest lady didn't say anything to show off her wealth, and she always answered their topics easily and chatted happily.

Lan Wanwan, who made the bed alone, was about to bite her teeth.

The two roommates were easily bribed by Murong Chu's little favors, which was not good for them at the beginning.

She looked back at Yu Chu.

Murong Chu has always had no brains, so it shouldn't be a coincidence that he planned to win over him.

In half a day, Yu Chu and the other two girls in the dormitory have successfully become a girlfriend group. Lan Wanwan wants to maintain her quiet and gentle image. Most of the time, she smiles and does not speak, and naturally she is not as cute as the lively eldest lady.

What's more, this eldest lady has no air at all, she is always considerate and polite.

The roommates liked her very much.

Lan Wanwan looked at the backs of the three people in front of them talking and laughing, her brows furrowing more and more deeply.

"Chuchu, but you are not in good health. You cannot participate in military training with this kind of disease."

"Can't exercise vigorously, but can stand with you for a while."

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