100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1019 The national flag is in your heart (10)


Yu Chu, who had packed up a long time ago, handed over his sunscreen, "This is very useful. If you can't find it, don't look for it. Hurry up and apply it."

"Oh, thank you." The girl took it gratefully, and returned it after applying it. "If you don't have sunscreen, you will really die from the sun for a day. After the military training, you will get a dark circle."

"you do not say."

Finally packed up, hurried out the door, and came to the playground to gather. Several people searched for a while in the exact same camouflage uniforms before they found their phalanx and saw the instructor who led them.

The instructor is very tall, quite young, and looks very good-looking. People in military uniforms always have a decent temperament, and the girls can't help but whisper.

"Hello everyone, I'm your instructor, He Mingfeng, and I'll take you for two weeks of military training. I hope everyone will obey the discipline, obey the command, take and complete the military training seriously. Of course, if you have any problems and feel unwell, you must report them in time. ,do you understand"

"Yes." The freshmen replied.

The instructor looked at them and suddenly frowned.

"Did you not wake up? Where is the momentum?"

The freshmen quickly swallowed the mountains and rivers "Yes"

Yu Chu followed along, thinking regretfully, it would be nice if her brother's soldier came to bring it.

It must be less than the instructor's words.

After forming a square formation, the instructors let the freshmen stand in the military posture, and kept saying "Lean your body forward, put your forefoot on the ground", "Keep your chest up and your stomach back, and your shoulders back."

The students were wearing camouflage uniforms, their bodies were tightly wrapped, and they were standing under the sun, miserable.

Yu Chu stood in the team and was quickly spotted by the instructor in charge of them.

The girl's stance is very standard. She was white and pure, as bright as white in the sun, her head was tied up and tucked under the military training cap, leaving only some fine threads around her neck.

Wearing a military uniform looks valiant, but I am petite and slender, and the standard standing posture does not look mighty, but looks very cute.

Of course, the instructor didn't get offended. He just admired the girl's standard standing posture. After a few glances, she felt that it was not easy for a delicate girl to be like this.

He walked over and asked "what's your name"

The girl said "I"

The instructor frowned suddenly, "Speaking to report"


Yu Chu choked for a moment, kept standing and said, "Report to the instructor, my name is Murong Chu."

"Murong Chu" He Mingfeng was stunned.

For students with special circumstances, he was naturally explained. Because the privacy of the patients needs to be respected, the school just tells the instructors privately to pay attention to these special students, so that nothing happens.

So He Mingfeng didn't say anything, just nodded in appreciation, and urged, "If you feel uncomfortable, report it."

"Yes." The girl replied.

After the instructor left, the girl next to her snorted.

Yu Chu didn't turn his head, but he had an impression of the person standing next to him. She seems to be called Lu Xueer. I saw it two days ago and I remembered it by the way. The family seems to be quite rich, and the bags she carried two days ago were not cheap.

These memories went through in his mind, Yu Chu did not speak, and continued to stand with his eyes, nose, nose and heart.

Her body is actually pretty good now.

With the system, this life-saving plug-in, and martial arts combined with cultivation, Yu Chu's illness is nothing, but in a small plane, she can't tell her parents all at once that she is fine.

However, she did not intend to escape from the military training.

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