100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 101 Western Nobles and Princesses in Distress (12)


She couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Ludwig's blue eyes looked over and swept over the two black girls in the cell, frowning slightly, and his voice did not fluctuate:

"Which one?"

Yu Chu opened his mouth and was about to speak of me calmly, but another girl's voice was faster than hers, and she said anxiously and confidently, "Yes-it's me!"

Yu Chu: "..."

There was no turbulence in my heart, even thinking about it.

Being robbed by Yin Sha, she didn't rush to argue, she just turned her head and glanced at the girl, and saw the pale face of the other party just now, it was blushing at the moment, her eyes were almost glued to the person in power who was moving.

Yu Chu twitched the corners of his mouth.

——She wouldn't think she was the emperor.

The men just now said what virtue the emperor is, and Yu Chu felt that Yin Sha would not be so stupid.

But she overestimated...

Yin Sha is now full of Ludwig's beautiful face and cold and slender figure.

When the other party's blue and charming eyes looked over, she felt like she was about to suffocate.

From the respectful attitude of the other knights towards the man, Yin Sha couldn't think of an identity other than the emperor.

Those men who came to the cell before had never seen the emperor, so the news might be wrong. Besides, these knights belonged to the imperial army, how could they be so respectful to people other than the emperor?

Yin Sha felt that there was absolutely no problem with her judgment.

The young and beautiful person in power made her fascinated without any means.

She didn't mention the fact of escaping marriage at this moment, only blushing in the eyes of that person, dodging her gaze, Ai Ai said: "I... I came here with my maid. "

She said it naturally - because she was sure of Ai Chu's cowardly temperament, she would never dare to expose herself.

The others in the cell were even more unaware.

The knights kept their eyes fixed, while the women in the cell who were not aware of the situation quietly looked at Ludwig, and couldn't help but feel envious of the black girl.

Yu Chu watched coldly and said nothing.

Yin Sha can't see it, but she can. This big man has always been expressionless - no matter what he thinks about the "princess who escaped marriage", Yu Chu is sure that it will not be too commendable.

She was not going to cheat Yin Sha, but Yin Sha herself wanted to hook up with others, so she let her do it.

Yu Chu lowered his head and remained silent.

Ludwig narrowed his eyes slightly, and his blue pupils were as beautiful as a lake. He quietly looked at the girl who opened her mouth to explain, and then looked away to look at another silent person in the corner of the cell.

The man lowered his head.

He watched for a few seconds.

The other party never looked up. Among the group of women looking at her, she seemed not interested in what Yin Sha said to her, nor her identity.

……not interested.

He suddenly frowned, looked away, raised his fingers wearing white gloves, clasped his neckline slightly displeased, and looked silently at the chattering girl.

From the subtle movements, the knight next to him keenly sensed the Archduke's displeasure.

Grand Duke Ludwig has always been rigorous and unwavering, and when his emotions are obvious, the knight can't help but be a little surprised, but he dare not ask any more questions.

Yin Sha knelt on the ground respectfully, raised her head and pulled out the line of her neck, and her ragged clothes wrapped around the rounded curve, which was very moving.

Satsha in the crowd was sarcastic, watching Yin Sha trying her best to show her charm, she said emotionally: "So you are my future..."

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