100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1030 flag and you are in the heart (21)


Yu Chu ate breakfast quietly.

Because Chu Bai has always been relatively calm, quiet, and taciturn, he never spoke during breakfast, and the girl with low emotional intelligence was stunned and didn't notice anything wrong.

When she was about to leave, the people behind her couldn't bear it any longer, and stopped her: "Wait a minute."

The girl turned around, a little puzzled.

"I've been away for a long time, do you have anything to say to me?" Chu Bai stared at her coldly.

Yu Chu reacted, and realized why Brother Bing was angry. He was instantly happy, and deliberately pretended to be confused and said, "Ah? What do I want to say to you?"

Chu Bai's face was expressionless, and he stood straight across from him in a military uniform, and his face became even colder.

Yu Chu hurried over to please him, stretched out his hand to hold his arm, "I just wanted to say, what if I miss you after you've been gone for a long time?"

Chu Bai turned his head and glanced at her. Hearing these words, his expression finally softened slightly. The soldier who was not used to comforting him rubbed his long fingers on top of her head. His voice was flat and calm: "I will find time to see you."

He put down his hands, stared at her, and frowned again: "Pay attention to your body and don't tire yourself out."

"Okay." The girl replied with a smile.

Only then did Chu Bai relax and let her go out.

Meanwhile, in the dormitory.

Two roommates were applying sunscreen. A girl glanced at Yu Chu's bed and asked curiously, "Chu Chu didn't come back last night. I don't know where she went? Did her parents take her out to live."

"It should be, didn't she go to see her family, and the person who checked the bed remembered her name yesterday, and she didn't say anything today. It should be the parent who registered."

They put on the sunscreen, and Lan Wanwan, who was packing things next to her, slowed down. Finally, she hooked her lips and lowered her head: "Chuchu may not be suitable for the dormitory. Her family loves her very much."

The girls looked at each other.

There's nothing wrong with this, but it makes people feel uncomfortable. They hurriedly smiled at Lan Wanwan, and they didn't know what to say, so they just kept silent.

When a few people came to the playground, Yu Chu was already waiting there. The roommates saw her and hurried up to meet her and asked where she was going. Lan Wanwan also stood beside them with a smile and looked at Yu Chu together.

She thought the girl would say that she went out with her family, but the other party said, "My boyfriend came to see me, and I went out to live with him."

"Huh?" The roommates couldn't help but be surprised.

Lan Wanwan heard her directly clarifying the relationship, looked at her in disbelief, and clenched her fists.

Yu Chu didn't look at her, smiled at the other two roommates, "Well, it was too late yesterday, and it was too troublesome to go back to the dormitory to wash up, so I went out to live with him."

The roommates suddenly showed ambiguous expressions, and they whispered about each other's information. Yu Chu raised his eyes and glanced at Lan Wanwan. Seeing the other party standing silently, he seemed to be suppressing something, trying to squeeze out a smile.

Yu Chu frowned slightly.

Lan Wanwan's obsession with Chu Bai is too deep.

The morning training consisted of squats and frog leaps. Yu Chu had just done a few when he was stopped by He Mingfeng.

"Go and rest next to you." He Mingfeng motioned her to rest under the big tree beside him.

The students were a little surprised. Lu Xueer snorted heavily, turned her head away, and muttered to herself.

Lan Wanwan next to her glanced at her.

She naturally heard Lu Xueer's swear words with the word "bitch" in her voice.

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