100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1036 The national flag is in your heart (27)


"Thank you for believing in me." She said with sincerity, she stretched out the beer can, Yu Chu glanced at it, raised her hand to touch her, and took a few more sips.

"Okay, okay, you'll be fine." The two innocent girls in the dormitory were very relieved to see this, urging everyone to wash up quickly and go to bed early.

When he finally lay down, Yu Chu closed his eyes and slowly felt the heaviness in his body.

Not like sleeping pills. what is that?

She knew that there must be something wrong with what Lan Wanwan handed over, but to know what trump card Lan Wanwan has, it's best to let her relax her vigilance first and think it's a success.

Maybe she will show her trump card.

The Martial Arts moves slowly in the body, dispelling the insanity caused by the medicinal power. This thing is not like sleeping pills, but the effect seems to be similar.

Yu Chu slowly closed his eyes.


In the middle of the night, Lan Wanwan slowly sat up from her bed, glanced at Yu Chu's closed bed curtain, climbed out of bed gently, put on her shoes and went out.

Yu Chu opened his eyes, glanced at the closed door, and sat up from the bed, thinking a little.

She lifted the quilt, jumped lightly from the top bunk, and fell to the ground with bare feet silently. She noticed that Lan Wanwan was not outside the door, so she gently pushed the door open.

The hallway was silent.

Yu Chu looked at the balcony at the end of the corridor.

Lan Wanwan is alone, even if she is drugged to make herself fall asleep, what can she do alone?

On the small balcony at the end of the corridor.

The curtains covered Lan Wanwan's figure, she took a low breath and said, "System."

About two seconds later, a cold mechanical voice appeared in her mind: "What does the host need?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"I want to exchange." Lan Wanwan was unusually calm.

"Host, the points you used to forge proofs and confuse the Murong family have already been redeemed. If you redeem the points again, you need to deduct the deduction and return them in multiples. Do you want to exchange them?"

"Exchange." Lan Wanwan took a low breath.

"I wish you an early success." The cold mechanical voice fell into silence.

Lan Wanwan grabbed her neckline, stood up slowly, and moved her eyes to the night sky, slightly dazed.

Her rebirth was not accidental.

This system binds her and helps her regenerate. There are no conditions, only points are needed for exchange.

But it doesn't matter, she has been reborn, as long as she can successfully own Chu Bai, everything is worth it.


Yu Chu walked barefoot through several dormitory doors, and suddenly there was a wave of heat behind her. She turned around abruptly, and saw a cluster of flames burning out of thin air in front of the dormitory door.

She took a step back in surprise.

The flame rose in a few breaths and burned along the wall, from a small flame that was easily extinguished to a real fire accident.

Not only in front of this door, but also at both ends of the corridor, a fire suddenly burst into flames, and the smoke filled the air instantly.

Yu Chu coughed twice.

If this body is still ill now, I am afraid that it will be choked to death by the smoke without burning it completely.

While shouting "it's on fire", she hurried back along the original road to find her dormitory.

The entire dormitory building was quickly awakened.

Yu Chu found his dormitory and saw that the door had been blocked by fire. Lan Wanwan's ultimate goal was obviously this dormitory, so the door had been blocked by fire for a long time, and the cries of two girls could be vaguely heard inside.

Yu Chu was quiet for a moment, this time it was really hot, she pursed her lips tightly, turned around and left.

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