100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1038 The flag is in your heart (29)


Quick Pass Raiders: Chapter 1o38 of the 1oo-style body volume, the national flag and you both have "What?" Yu Chu frowned.

The system said in horror: "It's the main god... the host, this is also a system, with the imprint of the main god..."


Lan Wanwan coughed, stayed with a group of crying girls, and looked up at the dormitory building.

The fire was spreading, and the sight was red.

In all the chaos and crying, only the people in military uniforms were always orderly. Although the uniforms had been burnt out of black, no one stopped, and all of them hurriedly and steadily carried out the rescue.

Sweat dripped from each soldier's face, and they hugged out girls one by one, and then continued to rush into the sea of ​​​​fire without saying a word, over and over again without complaining.

There is no moment that makes people appreciate the greatness of the military more than in a critical moment. When the military training followed the instructors to read the oath, they were still casual, but looking at them at this time, every student sincerely admired them.


The soldiers behind him were still discouraging him. The slender figure in front walked over a staircase, and a burning crossbar happened to fall from it, completely blocking the road.

The Lord God walked upstairs alone, the flames separated in front of him, he pushed open the door of the dormitory whose house number was already burning, his eyes narrowed, his heart tightened.

The girl on the ground raised her head when she saw him coming.

Yu Chu laughed, "Instructor Chu Bai."

Feng Qing frowned slightly, the flames behind him faded, the wind outside the window brought fresh air, and the moonlight reflected in the dark dormitory, he said, "It's me."

The girl was stunned.

She raised her eyes again, stared at him for a while, and then whispered, "Sir."

"You let others go, why didn't you go?" The slender figure stepped forward and knelt down on one knee in front of her. The white fingers brushed the black ashes of her cheeks, but the other party tilted his head slightly and ducked.

The fingertips were lost, and the Lord God paused slightly.

His eyes were filled with dark purple, and he looked at her calmly for a while, his tone still slightly cold:

"What's wrong?"

But the girl didn't answer, her dark eyes stared at him quietly, "Sir, let me go."

The words floated lightly in the night sky.

But the main god, who was completely empty of emotions, stopped for a moment, as if he was still, and after a while, he moved his eyelashes slightly and asked lightly, "Let you go?"

"You let me go, I don't want to accompany you through the plane. Find someone else."

The girl's voice was clear, word for word.

She let go of the hand holding her knee, "Sir, you used to support me, and I accompany you in more than 20 planes for these kindnesses, and I barely paid them off, right?"

Feng Qing looked at her quietly.

He seemed calm and at the same time in a trance, but he always looked at her calmly, indifferently silent.

Yu Chu said: "I wish the adults to complete the practice early."

She couldn't wait for the response from the person in front of her, so she wanted to stand up by herself.

But just as her hand was supporting the ground, the person in front of her suddenly raised her hand to hold her wrist. Before Yu Chu could react, the slender person leaned over against the wall.

He didn't say anything, and didn't do anything else, his forehead rested lightly on her shoulder, slightly drooping by the side of her neck, and his breath swept smoothly across the neck.

Always calm and indifferent, he circled her and pressed against her at this time, as if he had no emotions.

However, the building began to creak, and the ceiling was crumbling. Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, feeling that the moonlight outside the window was blurred, and everything in the dormitory could not be seen, and the voices outside the window were also blurred.

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