100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 103 Western Nobles and Princesses in Distress (14)


The knight had already raised his sword, and Yin Sha suddenly cried, "No—it's not my escape! It's her, she's the princess, I'm just her maid, it's her who takes me, it's her! "

She was obviously frightened by the situation.

Yu Chu, who was named again: "..."

This woman is really a show-stopper.

The knight's raised sword stopped in midair, and he looked back to his superiors for instructions.

Knight Xi glanced calmly at the Grand Duke beside him, and seeing that the other party didn't speak, he turned his eyes to another Oriental girl in the cell, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you say about her confession?"

Ouch, I can finally talk.

Yu Chu was so moved.

She didn't speak immediately, but first propped on the ground and stood up with difficulty. Because of lack of strength, she swayed in the middle and almost fell back.

She stabilized her figure, lifted her tattered skirt generously, and gave a salute, her voice soft: "Sir, what she said is true, but not all."

Compared with Yin Sha's unreliable style, this gesture is clear at a glance.

The knight immediately frowned and signaled to the two subordinates, "In that case, let's change someone and be punished."

Yu Chu said calmly, "Sir, can you hear me finish?"

Knight Xi was about to scold when he frowned, but a faint voice came from beside him, "You said."

The reprimand was stuck in his throat.

Oh, Feng Qing is awesome.

Yu Chu couldn't help but glanced at the man, met his icy blue pupils, and showed a grateful smile.

Grand Duke Ludwig remained expressionless.

Yu Chu glanced at Yin Sha, who was being driven by the knight, and said without changing his face: "In addition to her previous words, that's all. It's not my intention to escape from the marriage, it was she who cheated me out of the palace, and has been torturing me all the way. , treat me like a maid and call me at will."

Xi knight immediately believed nine points.

Because the faces of the two girls were obvious, one was haggard and the other was full of oil.

However, Yin Sha struggled desperately and said hysterically: "She lied! She ran away from marriage by herself, and she wanted to elope with that poor painter!"

Ludwig's eyelashes flicked.

Yin Sha took a breath and looked at him earnestly, although the other party didn't look at her at all: "I'm just a maid, I have no reason to lie to her!"

Knight Xi glanced at the Grand Duke's face, and when he saw his expressionless face, he looked at Yu Chu carefully: "What do you want to say?"

Yu Chu saluted again, "I didn't understand Yin Sha's behavior at first, but the lie she just told may be her own thoughts. She may be jealous of me, and she has the luck to marry into the empire and become a concubine."

make sense.

thought the knight.

After all, those words were said by Yin Sha herself, not made up by this polite princess.

He nodded, and just wanted to say something, but the Grand Duke next to him suddenly asked calmly again:

"What about elopement?"

He paused, his voice was calm, as if asking about important military secrets, and he repeated blankly: "How to explain? You didn't volunteer?"

The knight was stunned again.

In the identity of the Grand Duke, even if the other party's identity is special, it is only necessary to deal with the general direction. Such a careful cross-examination should have been handed over to the subordinates.

A group of high-level people are staying here, and several layers of knights are waiting outside, and the Grand Duke is personally present. In such a big battle, the core is a girl, talking about some trivial gossip...?

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