100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1045 The national flag is in your heart (36)


Chu Bai paused again, put down the tissue and looked at her. Originally, he was embarrassed about this kind of question, but the name just now made him be careful again.

"I like it." He said slowly.

The button on his neckline was solemnly buttoned, and his drooping eyes looked serious and serious. Yu Chu glanced at his earlobe, and the other side could not be seen clearly in the shadows, but the side that reflected the moonlight was clearly red.

"But we haven't met a few times, how do you like me?" the girl continued to ask.

The young soldier glanced at her with a vague understanding in his heart. This kind of question should be answered properly. But when he wanted to say when he liked it, he frowned and thought for a while, but he felt that he didn't even know.

I didn't like it at all before meeting, and I didn't feel disgusted after meeting, and then...

He was silent for a long time, but answered truthfully: "I don't know, but I like it very much."

Yu Chu fell silent.

There was a slight silence between the two. Chu Bai's mood sank a little, and he thought carefully whether he answered wrongly.

The girl didn't speak for a while, and the warmth in his ears waned a little. After a moment of silence, she spoke again:

"Can you be good to me for the rest of your life?"

Yu Chu blinked.

Ha, you are as smart as yourself. There is no reason why Lord God can't express himself, but the fragments of lost memory can be said at will. In the future, she will ask this question again for every fragment, afraid that she doesn't know what the Lord God thinks.

What a clever little devil.

The girl gave herself a compliment in her heart, then looked at the stunned fragment, and bent her lips to wait for an answer.

The little brother in the military uniform was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly put her on the seat to the side, then put the military cap on her knee, raised his eyes and looked directly at her: "I will treat you well for the rest of my life, Chu Chu, the national flag is the proof. "

The girl was stunned, and looked down at the military cap in her hand. The national flag reflected the light outside the window. Even if it was just a simple pattern, it condensed the time of history, represented the glorious glory of the years, and also the belief of the soldiers.

This oath is nothing but empty words. But the slender soldier in front of him took off his military cap and put it in her hand, telling her the national flag as a proof, but Yu Chu suddenly could feel his mood to prove his oath.

She smiled and suddenly leaned over: "Hey, can I kiss you then?"

The mood just now was almost equal to a solemn oath, and Chu Bai was stunned when he was suddenly asked this question by a rogue, and looked at her quietly with pursed lips.

The girl held the military cap in her hand, glanced at him, and suddenly sighed softly, "Forget it, I know you dislike me being smoked for a long time, kissing me now is like eating a roasted mutton kebab, hum, I don't force it. you……"

She said, reaching out to return the military cap, but the other party didn't pick it up, but held her wrist instead.

Yu Chu saw that Gao Lengbing's brother smiled helplessly, and seemed to be really amused. His thin lips were bent into a beautiful arc. He leaned over, his voice was lost between the touched lips, there was a vagueness in his tone, and his tone was cold and resonant. have no choice:

"I said the national flag as a proof, how can I dislike it."

As a soldier, he has always been cold and hard, this kiss is a bit like a cold snowflake, cool and clean, lips and teeth seal her lips, he doesn't know any advanced kissing method, he just kissed her softly, suddenly a little forbearance Bending his eyes incessantly, "Roasted mutton skewers."


Yu Chu pushed him angrily.

The other party immediately blocked her pushing hand:

"It's okay, I love to eat."



Mid-Autumn Festival dog food, I know that you single dogs like these, hey, what are you doing?

There are seven chapters in total today, don't wait in the early morning, at least eight will be better tomorrow, ah, the Mid-Autumn Festival is more sinister


I read the comments and smoked a cigarette to analyze the situation. At present, there is a male protagonist of the royalist party and a female protagonist of the radical party. The royalists are tearful and say they feel sorry for Feng Xiaoqing, and the radicals are full of indignation and want to abuse him. Oh, by the way, there is another committee who said to take the heroine to Lily. hiss...my head hurts

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