100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1052 The national flag is in your heart (43)


It was still daytime, although the sound insulation of the room was very good, but the young and mighty soldiers couldn't stand it. During training, they shouted loudly, and if their voices were weaker, they would be reprimanded by their superiors, so they all shouted vigorously.

The sound was faintly transmitted into the room, but in addition to the shouting, there was sunlight, which was clearly scattered on the table, without the beautiful cover of the night, and everything was nowhere to hide. With the light sprinkled in, it is alluring and dazzling.

He is too beautiful and slender, with a girl sitting on his belly, like a cat in his arms, which does not affect the cold and hard texture of a soldier at all, but instead shows a slender and straight, contrasting with petite.

Yu Chu lowered his head and kissed his Adam's apple. When he raised his head, he met a pair of deep sea-like eyes, cold and clean slightly restrained, and he pursed his lips.

"I'm here." Yu Chu blinked.

Chu Bai was a little quiet, his eyes with clear ink under his eyelashes stared at each other. In fact, he couldn't control it. He wanted to roll over to overwhelm her and violated her severely, but his self-discipline as a soldier allowed him to restrain himself and quietly look at her expression.

The girl was very interested, and seemed to be very interested in teasing him. Chu Bai was quiet for a long time, and in the end, he didn't say anything. He closed his eyes in a calm, almost indulgent way, and restrained the teasing.

He has been training all the year round, and his abdominal muscles are hard and beautiful. The person who takes off his military trousers looks a little lazy, his eyes are lowered, and his face is calm.

Yu Chu cupped his fair chin in both hands, lowered his head and kissed his eyes, then slowly slipped to the bridge of his tall nose, and finally landed between the thin lips. The soft thin lips were cold and clean, and she bent her eyes. , rubbed her thin lips, and kept pulling off her undershirt with her hands. ..

The man's clothes were half torn, and a large area of ​​his skin was exposed to the sun. His face was silent and expressionless. He just raised his eyes to look at the girl, and asked with a frown:

"Why don't you take off?"

The other party is righteous: "I'm shy."

Chu Bai was stunned by these words, he didn't know what to say for a long time, and looked away angrily and hilariously.

"A-Chu, your ears are so red." But the other party was too far ahead, leaning over to his ear and blowing.

The officer's voice was cold: "You take off your clothes and try lying here?"

Yu Chu blinked and stopped talking immediately.

Annoying people is not good either.

So, on the basis of the strong self-control and self-control of the soldiers, this time Yu Chu was happily teasing enough, and was turned over and pressed down by someone holding his wrist. Chu Bai controlled the girl's two wrists with one hand, and easily placed it on top of her head. Before entering, the voice whispered:

"I thought I wouldn't be with you now..."

"Huh?" The girl under her blinked.

Brother Bing pursed his lips in embarrassment, lowered his head against her neck with a cold expression, and said with a slightly muffled voice: "I think I can control it, but I never thought about doing it with you now. So I didn't consider protective measures... I'm sorry."

Yu Chu was stunned for a while, and his hands were held on top of his head. She didn't expect him to apologize at this time, so she couldn't help but softly said, "It's okay, Chu, it's okay."

She can't have children in the small plane, and it doesn't matter if she is protected or not. But the other party's cautious and caring mood still makes people feel happy.

At this time, it was impossible to stop saying anything. The other party gave a low hum, pursed her thin lips, and slowly separated her slender legs from her knees.

Both of them couldn't breathe at the same time.


Ah, ah, there is one more time to finish writing

Overestimate yourself, ah, try to code it out

In half an hour, will you go to bed first?

I wipe off the shame (〃 dish 〃)

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