100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1054 The national flag is in your heart (45)


After training, we went to dinner together, Chu Bai held the girl's hand, and in the horror eyes of the soldiers, he lowered his head and said softly: "The military parade is about to begin. I'm going to Beicheng tomorrow, there is a field military exercise. You stay. Waiting here for me to come back? Two days at most."

Because the military training was suspended, the start of the school was postponed again. If they lived here before the start of the school, it would be almost two weeks. Yu Chu thought for a while, "Will the army let you bring your family? Can't I go with you?"

"It's hard on the road. And during the exercise, I don't go back to my room all day, and I can only meet at night. You're here, and I'll be back in two days."

Chu Bai's cold eyes were slightly curved.

"Okay." Yu Chu nodded.

The two of them had dinner, but in the afternoon, there was an unexpected guest in the barracks.

Lan Wanwan looked at Yu Chu timidly, "Chu Chu, my uncle and aunt are worried about your illness, so I came to see you specially. If you are busy, I can also help you."

The soldier who brought her the way saluted Chu Bai, "Sir, it was sent by the Murong family. The guards let me in. Let me bring her to see Miss Murong."

Chu Bai glanced at Lan Wanwan quietly, but did not speak, but lowered his eyes to the girl beside him.

The corners of Yu Chu's lips curled up, he took his arm, leaned his head slightly, leaned against him, "Huh? I'm fine here, I don't need to take care of me, how can my parents do this... This is not to treat you as a servant Is it?"

Lan Wanwan's face froze suddenly, and she felt that the soldiers beside her were looking at her strangely.

The soldier really understood immediately.

Listening to this tone, the aura of the madam and this woman are obviously different. He didn't dare to speak any more, he stood without looking sideways, and no longer looked at Lan Wanwan.

Lan Wanwan took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile, "Chuchu, my uncle and aunt also care about you, so I asked me to take care of you, how can you say..."

"If you look after me, my parents might as well let Aunt Zhang come here. She takes good care of me. And I'm with A Chu... Mom clearly wants us to be alone and cultivate our relationship. Isn't that A Chu?"

The last sentence, she raised her head and looked at Chu Bai with a smile, the other side nodded lightly, and glanced at Lan Wanwan casually, "After I called my aunt, she specially warned me."

"That's weird, why does mom want you to come again..." Yu Chu slightly curled his lips, looked at Lan Wanwan, took out his mobile phone in front of her, and dialed the number.

Lan Wanwan pursed her lips, feeling a little restless and irritable, but she couldn't be rude while standing in the barracks. She didn't realize who Yu Chu had called at first, and when she came to her senses, Yu Chu's questioning was coming to an end.

She hung up the phone with a half-smile, and said to Lan Wanwan, "Mom said, did you want to come?"

Lan Wanwan's eyes flickered, and she glanced at Xiao Bing beside him. Sure enough, she saw that he showed a somewhat stunned look. She quickly glanced at her, and then at Chu Bai.

The soldier has understood.

This woman has ulterior motives and insists on coming to the barracks. She doesn't like their chief...

Lan Wanwan bit her lip slightly.

After the rebirth, Murong Chu was really not to be underestimated. Now that her face has been torn apart, it seems that she will definitely not agree and keep herself in the military camp.

Fortunately, I have prepared myself with both hands...


(Not counting) No more today. Tomorrow will start 10,000, um, it is the legendary 10,000. Because the big explosion can't be coordinated, the daily 10,000 supplement will be opened tomorrow. All departments pay attention, don't ask about the update, now standing in front of you is Niu Colu Liang, there is no update, only Riwan

The group number will be pinned to the top later

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