100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1057 The flag is in your heart (48)


Lan Wanwan gritted her teeth, "System, I want to exchange. Follow-dream-. 1a"

"What does the host want to exchange?"

"What can increase the charm value?" Lan Wanwan gritted her teeth slightly and asked coldly in her mind.

"Charm points can be exchanged directly. The host's charm points are now 8, and upgrading oo consumes 32 points."

"Exchange." Lan Wanwan pursed her lips.

There was a ding sound in my mind, Lan Wanwan stepped towards the crowd, and just one soldier turned his head to look at her, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her, and followed her figure blankly.

Why do I feel that Miss Lan looks a lot better. Every gesture seems to have an air...

More and more soldiers looked at Lan Wanwan. By the time she walked in front of the two of them, everyone had already looked up at Lan Wanwan. Everyone was muttering to themselves, and they always felt that she seemed a lot more pleasing to the eye. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu stopped and stood by the side holding the fragment's hand, squinting at Lan Wanwan.

She also noticed Lan Wanwan's change, but because she also has a system, she can clearly feel that this change is not right, and naturally she will not be confused.

Lan Wanwan didn't look at her, just looked at Chu Bai with a smile, gave a playful gentleman's salute, and stretched out a hand and said, "Today's party, let's make it a lively party, I don't know if it's okay, please also ask Chief Chu Bai to dance. dance?"

After she asked, she looked at Yu Chu again and joked, "I saw that the officer cooperated very well for Chu Chu, and I wanted to invite him to a dance. Would Chu Chu mind?"

She smiled.

It's just a dance, there's nothing wrong with this requirement, and no one will think too much. Moreover, she now has an increase in charm value. Others have a good opinion of her. If Murong Chu refuses, it will only make people feel stingy.

And if Murong Chu didn't refuse to save face, he would be able to approach Chu Bai generously.

Lan Wanwan looked at Yu Chu with a smile, and then looked at Chu Bai next to her, "What do you think, Chief Chu Bai?"

However, what she didn't expect was that Chu Bai seemed to turn a blind eye to his increased charm value, and lightly embraced the waist of the person around him, without Murong Chu opening his mouth, he indifferently refused: "It's not right."

Lan Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, standing in disbelief and looking at him. The slender youth's brows and eyes were the same as those she had seen in her previous life, her brows were cold and beautiful, her lips were thin, her eyes were clear and straight, and she seemed to be the most upright, upright and secure one in the world.

She has been obsessed with it for so long, and even though she used the charm value, she only got one sentence that was inappropriate, and the other party didn't give her any chance to get close.

Lan Wanwan's expression was a little stiff, and she smiled dryly, "It's just a dance..."

"I have a wife." Chu Bai put his long fingers lightly on the girl's shoulders, "Why dance with others."

This fluttering "others" made Lan Wanwan's heart break and she could barely stand. She worked so hard to get close for so long, but in his heart she was just someone else!

Chu Bai himself rejected her, and Murong Chu would naturally not be perceived as stingy, but would only make people feel that the officer and his wife were deeply in love and knew how to avoid suspicion with others.

A good "other".

Lan Wanwan smiled, "Since Chief Chu Bai is unwilling, then forget it, it's me who was abrupt."

Chu Bai didn't speak, his eyes moved away from her, and he swept lightly towards the soldiers onlookers.

The soldiers who were just attracted by Lan Wanwan's charm value shivered under the eyes of the Lord God Fragment.

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