100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1060 The national flag is in your heart (51)


Hearing the girl's laughter, Chu Bai felt even more depressed, and looked up at her: "What are you laughing at?"

Yu Chu sighed and touched his head:

"Baby's heart is bitter, I know."

Chu Bai: "..."

Stared at by the fragments motionless, Yu Chu coughed, "Okay, don't be unhappy, just leave her alone. Or leave it alone, I'll clean it up."

The fiancee said that she came to clean up, and Chu Bai, who heard this, was in a better mood for some reason.

He nodded, "Okay."


When it was time to leave for Beicheng, as expected by Yu Chu, Lan Wanwan could also follow.

Chief Luo said that he accidentally discovered that Lan Wanwan had learned decryption, and even unraveled a Beicheng news report, so he specially greeted the central government, and this time he went to Beicheng to bring Lan Wanwan, and went to the Beicheng base together to let him know. She tried to decipher the rest of the thread.

When Yu Chu heard the words, the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

As expected of a reborn girl with a plug-in, such a foolish method can be done. When Chief Luo mentioned it, his tone was also very shocked and admired. Obviously, he didn't expect a little girl Lan Wanwan to have such skills.

Chu Bai did not respond to this.

This made Lan Wanwan a little disappointed. Even the calm Chief Luo was shocked and full of praise, but when Chu Bai heard it, his expression was as if he hadn't heard it at all.

She is not a character that will give up. Besides, how can she give up the obsession of two lifetimes.

In her previous life, she paid close attention to Chu Bai and knew what he had gone through this time in Beicheng.

It was easy to get rid of Murong Chu and be alone with him.

After arriving in Beicheng, the family members of the soldiers gathered to talk and communicate with each other cordially, and the soldiers gathered to go to the barracks and are about to conduct field exercises.

Lan Wanwan was not a family member, but followed the usefulness, so she left with Chief Luo.

Yu Chu was jokingly surrounded by a group of military wives.

"Your boyfriend is so handsome."

"So young to be a senior officer..."

Everyone chatted, and Yu Chu smiled politely. She knows that soldiers are always busy, and the wives behind these soldiers are also worthy of respect.

"This exercise seems quite dangerous."

"Oh no……"

"Going to live in the wild for a week..."

"But it's just training, it's fine."

Yu Chu listened to the conversation, narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and shook hands, recalling the original plot.

In fact, the original plot did not involve much Chu Bai, because the original owner did not contact Chu Bai at all. She had been divorced by Chu Bai long ago, and naturally had nothing to do with Chu Bai.

What the original owner hated Lan Wanwan was that Lan Wanwan stole her family and finally killed her.

Therefore, regarding this Beicheng operation, the original owner only knew that something had happened - Beicheng was located on the border, the junction area, and it was very chaotic. Smuggling, drug lords are rampant, and it is an extremely unsafe place.

The original owner only knew that there was an accident during the exercise, and the participating soldiers lost contact with the outside world.

The exact owner is not clear.

In the original plot, when Beicheng was training, the original owner was almost dead.

This time, because her health got better, she was firmly involved in Lan Wanwan's attention again. Lan Wanwan didn't have much energy to focus on the original owner's family, and only came to fight with her for Chu Bai.

Lan Wanwan followed, probably because he saw the accident in Beicheng and what action should be taken.

Yu Chu thought for a while, and closed his eyes lazily.


Six more. If there is no accident, it will be 9:6 before the patch is completed, and then 4 in the morning. ...Occasionally there are two chapters missing, please pretend you don't know [Five high fives]

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