100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1065 The national flag is in your heart (56)


"If you don't have her, don't you have to protect me?" He stood there with a dull expression, and looked at her quietly with clear eyes, "...Won't you come to me?"

"...No, I'll come to you first, and then I'll target her." Yu Chu explained, and took the initiative to hug him on tiptoe, because the soldier stood straight and did not lean over, so she couldn't touch her lips, so she kissed the white one. jaw.

She stood up after the kiss, blinking her eyes.

Chu Bai looked at her coldly for a few seconds: "Being with me is part of your mission?"


Xiao Tiantian is too hard to fool, so Yu Chu answered this question carefully: "A-Chu, I want to be with you myself, not a task..."

The slender youth's expression was slightly relaxed, but he still asked lightly, "Then, will you always be with me?"

"Yes." Yu Chu nodded quickly.

The other party looked at her quietly for a few seconds, then slightly raised her thin lips, took a step towards her, leaned slightly and raised her chin, the thin lips were gently pressed against her, and the soft lips rubbed the corners of her lips. , opened his lips and sucked gently, with a hint of tenderness and satisfaction.

"No matter who you are, it's fine if you don't leave. I don't ask anything else, as long as you don't leave."

The slender fingers gently rubbed the edge of the corner of her lips, Chu Bai reached out and adjusted the rain hat on her head, "Let's go, find a place to shelter from the rain, don't catch a cold."

"Okay." Yu Chu followed him obediently.

She had a strange feeling in her heart. The Lord God said before that she could not tell her something, but she chose to believe it. In the current small plane, unknowing fragments can also doubt her identity and purpose, but he also chooses to believe her, without even asking her specific origin.

She likes this feeling.

The person in front walked slowly, her white fingers pushed away the clumps of branches, and the other hand held her. The slender knuckles gently wrapped her hand, carefully guarding her walking in the heavy rain, reminding her of the way under her feet. .

Yu Chu suddenly broke his hand and hugged his waist from behind, "A-Chu, suddenly I really want to sleep with you."

Chu Bai was stopped by her sudden hooliganism. After two seconds of silence, he did not pull away the hand that was wrapped around his waist by the person behind him. Instead, he looked at the road in front of him lightly, and then said, "It's inconvenient."

Yu Chu was stunned, and stuck his head out from behind him, "I'm just saying, you don't need to really think about it..."

Chu Bai looked down at her.

He was wearing a military uniform, his belt was wrapped in silver rings, and his waist was very comfortable to hold. Yu Chu hugged him and didn't let go, and then saw the other side's slender fingers pat his arm, motioned her to look ahead, and said flatly: "There is no big tree nearby. , the rain is too heavy, the small trees are easily smashed and the branches are easily smashed, and the soil at the root of the tree is easy to slip. If you look for a cave that shelters from the rain, there are also a lot of gravel in it, so you can’t sleep.”

Yu Chu: "..."

She raised her head, met Chu Bai's young and cold eyes, and the other party's voice was light: "Do you understand? If you want to sleep with me, bear with me for two days and talk about it later."


Yu Chu gritted his teeth, suddenly picked up his hand, bit his wrist, leaving a small tooth mark before letting go, "I said it was a joke!"

After she finished speaking, she abandoned the person and walked forward alone.

Chu Bai stood there, waited for a few seconds, and suddenly couldn't help but curled his lips and smiled, and slowly followed.

They walked over a small hillside, and Chu Bai suddenly sighed slightly: "You shouldn't have come."

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