100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1071 The national flag is in your heart (62)


Yu Chu watched him assemble a pile of fragments into a gun in less than a minute, took out a steel ball toy from his backpack, and stuffed it into the magazine calmly.

Damn Boss Big Boss, I admire and admire.

She shook the bamboo bed and pursed her lips in admiration.

Chu Bai handed her the gun, looked out the door with clear and beautiful eyes, quickly assembled the second gun, put it in the magazine, and glanced out the window.

"The army will come from behind. I just saw it. There are haystacks under the window. After the door is opened, you jump out of the window. The army is behind you."

His voice was flat.

Yu Chu nodded, knowing that he didn't want his own accident. Although she has the ability to help, she also knows that the most important thing is to reassure Chu Bai. Therefore, she did not insist on staying, but nodded obediently:

"I'm leaving, you have to be careful."


The other party's eyes were slightly soft, "I know."

Suddenly there was a slight sound outside the door, and the two looked at the door together. The door was pushed open, but it was not the people in the stockade who entered, but Lan Wanwan.

Seeing the neatly dressed two people in the room, Lan Wanwan's eyes flashed and she was slightly relieved.

Chu Bai glanced at the door. Several people in the stockade were lying on the ground. Obviously, the voice from outside the door just now was Lan Wanwan who solved these people.

Others in the stockade are still lively, Lan Wanwan said quickly: "They want to kill you, let's go."

She said so, but her eyes just stared at Chu Bai, and a trace of madness flashed in her eyes.

The sound of gunshots suddenly came from outside the room, and then the whole stockade boiled. Men, women and children drew their guns, overwhelmed by the sudden attack. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The army was well-trained to attack the stockade. Due to the exact estimation of the number of people and the terrain, it did not seem to panic at all. The bullets flew everywhere, most of them were shooting at the middle-aged people, avoiding the elderly and children.

Listening to the voices outside, Chu Bai looked sideways at the girl and whispered, "Let's go. Don't worry."

Yu Chu glanced at Lan Wanwan.

The corner of Lan Wanwan's mouth curled up, and she asked the system silently in her heart: "Exchange, I want to control him."

The mechanical voice said coldly: "The time limit is five minutes."

As soon as the words fell, Lan Wanwan stepped towards the soldier and called him softly, "Chu Bai."

Then, Yu Chu saw that the slender young man was motionless, and after a pause for two seconds, he slowly put down the pistol that was raised, and looked at Lan Wanwan calmly.

Yu Chu frowned immediately, drew his gun and fired at Lan Wanwan, but the bullet stopped when it approached Lan Wanwan.

Yu Chu immediately understood that the other party used a plug-in again.

There is simply no game spirit.

She immediately turned around to block Chu Bai, frowned slightly, and watched Lan Wanwan take out a syringe.

She looked at Chu Bai, her eyes were a little crazy:

"Come on, inject it, you're mine."

Yu Chu was about to laugh angrily.

This woman, she wants to inject drugs into Chu Bai! Drugs can control people's brains and make people crazy, and then what does Lan Wanwan want to do, fuck him?

Yu Chu's hand slipped slightly and took the hand of the soldier behind him. He remained motionless.

Lan Wanwan came over, handed over the syringe, and said with a smile, "Good, inject it into your wrist."

Chu Bai raised his hand to take the syringe.

The smile on Lan Wanwan's lips widened as she raised her pistol and pointed at the girl standing in front of the soldier, "You said, what did you fight me with?"

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