100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1073 The national flag is in your heart (64)


The person on the ground closed her eyes, her pale face was covered with tears, and bright red blood was still gurgling from the spot where she was shot in the abdomen, but she didn't move.

Yu Chu held Chu Bai's hand and looked at Lan Wanwan with slightly complicated eyes. That mechanical system must have sensed Lan Wanwan's obsession with Chu Bai, so it helped her come back to life, reborn, and gave her a plug-in. Encourage her to approach Chu Bai and get Chu Bai.

Lan Wanwan was too obsessive and greedy, and she got the system, of course she wanted to rely on the system for everything, so she kept exchanging it. The exchange must require something, so later, the debt is heavy.

Just when she was about to shoot, she suddenly struggled hysterically like a drug addict. Yu Chu thought that there was only one possibility, that is, the benefits she had received, she wanted to return little by little.

That mechanical system is really ruthless.

To the woman on the ground, Chu Bai frowned slightly, and looked at Yu Chu sideways, "This is drug addiction."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu nodded and shook his head again, "No, she has kept her body clean all her life, and should never touch poison again... This may be related to her rebirth."

The young officer picked up the syringe on the ground and glanced at Lan Wanwan. "But she's in so much pain and the syringe is next to me, why not?"

The syringe at that time was very close to Lan Wanwan on the ground, so close that she could reach it with her hand, but she didn't take it, but rolled and mourned until it was silent.

Yu Chu was silent for a moment, then shook his head:

"Probably, I don't want to be infected again in this life."

If you have taken drugs, you will continue to smoke because of drug addiction. But after Lan Wanwan's rebirth, at least in this regard, she has returned to cleanliness. Perhaps she has subconsciously understood the horror and is unwilling to touch these things again.

Or, because of Chu Bai. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu turned to look at the people around him.

When Lan Wanwan learned that Chu Bai knew about her past, she became crazy like that, and then she became addicted to drugs. She was in so much pain, but at the same time burst into tears.

The syringe was at hand, she didn't go for it.

Perhaps, she swears to the death that she does not want to show her worst side in front of the soldiers who are as clean as snow.

Chu Bai met Yu Chu's eyes, and instantly understood the matter. He didn't say anything. He lowered his eyes and put the syringe on the table, looking at the person on the ground:

"That's fine. She was addicted to drugs and found out by the army, which just happened to confirm her identity. I'll let someone take her back to prison and be imprisoned for life."

Yu Chu pursed his lips slightly and glanced at him:

"Lan Wanwan cares about you so much, aren't you moved?"

He would rather die than suffer in front of him. Although Yu Chu didn't feel moved, he sighed a little.

Chu Baiqingmo glanced at her, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "If it weren't for you..."

"Huh?" Yu Chu was stunned.

The soldier raised his thin lips and smiled, "If I don't know you, I might be a little moved. I'm not in the mood now. What she does to me is her business, and it has nothing to do with me."

Yu Chu blinked and smiled slightly.


Because Lan Wanwan is currently in a drug-addicted coma, the central government arrested her on the charge of drug trafficking.

This ending was exactly the same as the fate of her previous life. Yu Chu finally went to see her and wanted to ask some news about the mechanical system.

When Lan Wanwan saw her, she laughed and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that after a lifetime of rebirth, the final fate would not change at all..."

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