100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1106 fog demon (28)


Yu Chu understood this in his heart.

She was silent, lowered her eyes and said, "You don't tell me anything, what do you think of me?"

The young man froze slightly.

The prey on the opposite then calmly raised his head, pointed his finger at the women in the distance, and smiled at him with curved lips:

"Do you think of me as a woman like them? You can accompany you when you are happy, and you can torture me and kill me when you are not happy, and throw me away like garbage?"

Qianzel's pure blue pupils stared at her.

She was clearly right. He took this person as his prey from the beginning... Does the hunter need to consider the feelings of the prey? Moreover, if she is not regarded as a hunting target, why should she be tolerant and patient, even gentle.

He didn't understand, what other emotions could he have?

However, facing the question at this time, the boy's eyelashes moved slightly, but he was strangely unable to respond.

He saw his beloved prey smiled at him, suddenly reached out and pushed him away, then took out a knife from her own pocket and aimed it at her neck.

Silver knife.

He uses this knife every time he kills.

Every time he used such a knife to cut flesh and blood, the moment blood gushed out, it gave him strange satisfaction.

The prey took the knife at herself.

The boy's breathing stopped for a moment, his pure blue eyes widened, and the feeling of panic and helplessness swept through the perception.

"What are you doing? Put down..."

His gorgeous and elegant voice trembled slightly, and he took a step forward full of anger and panic, but the girl's knife really stabbed in, and a wound was cut in an instant, and blood flowed down the white and slender neck.

Qian Zeer immediately stopped his steps. The feeling of panic and out of control caused the youth's beautiful eyes to faintly redden. He stared at the knife in her hand and whispered softly: "Put it down... tell me, what's wrong?"

"Aren't you angry?" the girl said casually, "What's the point of hesitating when dealing with disobedient pets? Since they are disobedient, it would be better to kill them with one knife."

The boy stared at the knife, and as it turned at will, his mood had never been so nervous. The blood that used to bring excitement and satisfaction is now flowing from the body of the most beloved prey. He should feel excited and happy, but Only panic and panic.

"I'm not angry." The boy softened his voice like a cat, and explained carefully, "I'm not angry and want to kill you... Can you give me the knife?"

"Not good," the other party shook his head with no appreciation, and with the movement of her shaking her head, the tip of the knife slid across her neck, and the boy's breathing slowed again.

He couldn't describe how helpless he was. He looked at her cautiously and even pleadingly. His pure blue eyes blinked, and he said softly, "Don't move... Be careful."

Like very pitiful.

The girl was not moved, and said indifferently: "You are a pervert... I hate you very much."

The teenager stayed.

His pure blue and beautiful pupils were flushed with extreme emotions, and the feeling of panic, the moment he heard this sentence, all turned into violence. He knew that the hunter didn't need to care about the prey's opinion, but she said she hated him... Qianzel's mood was in a mess.

"No..." He said two words, but couldn't continue, and looked at her pitifully.

The girl continued: "You surprise me, but you're just kidding me. You'll be happy when I'm scared."

She looked at him and finally said:

"For you, a pet that commits suicide, will it make you happier than you do it yourself?"

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