100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1108 fog demon (30)


Yu Chu pursed his lips, feeling that he should not be too eager to stimulate him, he should be gentle and take his time.

After all, this person is psychopathic and can't understand him normally. If he really gets angry, the result is not necessarily what she wants to see. She actually understands that Fragment cares about her, but he just doesn't understand the fragment in front of her. She had to teach him step by step.

The Lord God said that the fragments will protect her.

But Fragment's personality is different. Like this psychopathic child in front of him, he needs someone to teach him.

The girl slowly put down the knife, and the next second, someone stepped over to hold her wrist, Qian Zeer took the knife from her hand, and her tone was soothing and faintly angry, "Next time I will give you other gifts, this is not suitable for you. "

He took the knife away, and his emotions seemed to relax a little. He kissed her top with thin lips, turned the tip of the knife over to face him, held the girl's slender fingers, and said softly, "Come on. , stabbing a few knives to relieve his anger, it's not worth being angry for him."

When he said this, in the corner that the girl couldn't see, the violent blood in his pupils almost overflowed, but in the end he just licked his thin red lips, and in a state of rage, strangely gentle: "My dear, don't do it in the future. Be mad at me for other people, okay?"

The lingering voice, nostalgic and fascinated, hides the restrained coldness and extreme anger.

his. To be mad at him for someone else...

Holding her hand and pointing the knife at him, only Qian Zeji knew how angry he was, bloodlust flashed in his narrowed blue eyes, but on the surface he was still a gentle and patient beautiful young man with a smile on his lips.

He lowered his eyes fascinatedly, kissed along the top of the girl, gently kissed her earlobe, and the tip of his scarlet tongue licked the tip of her white ear provocatively, trapping her in his arms with a strong and startling possession.

He was quietly waiting for the knife to fall.

The girl in his arms let go of his hand and shook his head gently, "I'm not angry for him, didn't I say, I'm looking for him just for you..."

She just said casually, and reached out to push him away after speaking, but Qian Zeer stopped completely. After a while, she eased her tone, with caution and strangeness: "Really?"

The girl didn't understand why he didn't believe it, nodded silently, and continued to push him: "It's not safe here, you just killed someone, hurry up and leave..."

Before she finished speaking, her chin was lifted, and the other party lowered her head and kissed her almost obsessively. The tip of her tongue pressed against her lips, entangled strongly, and easily attacked the city. His breath was a little hot for the first time.

As if an ancient spell was controlling his mood, the young man was so happy that he didn't know why. He supported the wall behind the girl with his long arms and wrapped her in his arms. His lips and tongues were slowly tossing and turning with heat and joy, feeling that her breathing was a little short, and she was still in a hurry. She stepped back thoughtfully, and when she took a breath, she rubbed it softly again.

There was a hint of undisguised desire in his eyes, his fingers slipped in from the hem of the girl's clothes, and lightly touched her waist, trying to push her clothes up to facilitate the movement, but he was vaguely thinking about it. This is where it can be seen at any time.

He finally put down his hand and pecked the girl's lips softly. With her bright pure blue eyes, all abnormal emotions were hidden, leaving behind a cute and beautiful image of a beautiful boy who rubbed her softly.

"You don't like me killing people?"

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