100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1117 fog demon (39)


Lux fell forward, and the murderer didn't reach out to help him, so he fell straight into the cabinet, making a loud bang, and the movement disturbed the men and women outside, but the two thought the same thing was happening inside, so they didn't pay much attention.

The murderer killed the man, kicked him into the cabinet, closed the cabinet door, and then turned around and left indifferently.

——This person was too close to her that day.

He didn't like it very much.

Now that this person is dead, the smell of blood makes him feel a little more pleasant. The black hat of the coat is buckled on his head, covering the golden shards. Under the shadow of the brim, the arc of the red and thin lips is dangerous and charming.

Alright. Time to go on a date.

Go to see the night view with your beloved little girl.

Although I can't say what it means, it's good to accompany her if you don't kill people.

He walked through the dark streets, feeling a little happy, but suddenly felt a familiar palpitation.

A silent blood surged from his eyes, Qian Zeer opened his eyes wide. In the past, he let himself out of control indifferently, but today he suddenly panicked.

When he was out of control, he remembered nothing but the excited instinct to kill.

I've never cared about it before, and it doesn't matter if I get out of control, I'm just a little more excited than usual, and everything else is similar. But I'm going on a date today.

The teenager tried hard to control his mind that was about to explode with pain, thinking about the promised date tonight...

He didn't want to screw up...

Yu Chu had returned to Xiaoyanglou at this time, and prepared a table of meals with his own hands. When she came, she also heard about new killings in the red light district.

I don't know who died.

However, it is clear that only Senal is related to the events of the year. Why kill others?

The girl set the tableware and looked up at the clock.

There was a slight movement in front of the door, she put down what was in her hand and walked over to open the door first.

The boy in front of the door narrowed his eyes.

He glanced at her incredulously, then looked up at the light in his eyes.

Yu Chu didn't notice the scarlet and strange emotions in the boy's eyes, turned his body aside to let people in, his voice was as soft as possible, and smiled: "You're back."

Qianzel raised her red lips.

The curvature of the boy's thin lips has a hint of bloody sexiness, and his voice is elegant and charming, as soft as a bubble, "Oh, what a surprise."

Yu Chu was stunned for a while, not understanding what he said, but seeing the other side squinting his eyes in a meaningful way, the undisguised blood in those blue eyes, the excitement and madness that almost poured out, made her realize instantly. to bad.

Qianzel casually took a step forward.

The girl stared at him and stepped back.

The boy's eyes softened even more, he raised his eyes strangely, with a strange bloody aura, raised the corners of his lips and said in a gentle tone: "Come here."

He is obviously very gentle, but the blood-stained danger is coming towards him, like the devil is slowly coming.

Yu Chu saw the dark, wet blood on his black clothes, and understood what he had just done.

"How many did you kill?" she asked.

Qian Zeer squinted his eyes strangely, feeling a little novel about being questioned, which made his brain with only the killing instinct more excited, but his heartbeat became strangely slower, and a new murder plan was made in an instant.

The more he thought about it, the more blood appeared in his eyes, his smile was like the devil on a retro picture scroll, beautiful and pale with a hint of morbidity, and his lips were red.

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