100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1128 fog demon (50)


When the two came to the clock tower, Qian Zeer looked back at the dark corridor and subconsciously felt that this was a good place to kill people. But this thought was only fleeting, he quickly shifted his attention and looked at the night scene under the clock tower in front of him, the stars of the city dotted.

Never walk aimlessly in the dark. Inexplicably to climb the stairs, inexplicable to see the scenery.

He was silent for a while, then turned to look at the girl beside him, his eyes softened slightly, he suddenly licked his thin lips, and stared at her tender lips subconsciously.

There was a longing in my heart. But Qianzel was not sure whether normal people would have the desire to kiss at this time. Maybe it's just not normal.

He thought about it for a moment, then stood to the side tentatively, his fingertips touched the girl's finger, and when he saw that she didn't refuse, he carefully held her.

He leaned over slowly. Although he was much taller than the girl, he leaned against her very obediently, then moved slowly and calmly, rubbed softly against her neck, blinking and staring at her lips. .

Yu Chu didn't know what the little pervert was thinking about, but she was rubbed softly by him, and she felt a little soft in her heart, so she turned her head, looked at the beautiful face close at hand, and leaned in to kiss him.

Qian Zeer hadn't fully implemented the plan, but was kissed by the other party first. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately confirmed that kissing was okay at this time.

In his pure blue and beautiful eyes, a strong desire suddenly appeared, and he pressed it to provoke the other person's chin, and the thin red lips covered it. At first, it was still unbridled intimacy, but after two seconds, he was controlled by strange excitement. The brain quickly calmed down.

... no, to be normal.

He relaxed slightly, and tentatively pecked her lightly, and then tossed and turned softly, the kiss was so soft that his brain was blurred like drunkenness.

Yu Chu pushed him away.

The other party was pushed away, and suddenly stared at her with some incomprehension and grievance, and his eyes still fell on her lips.

"If you want to kill people in the future, why don't we help the police station. Some wanted criminals can't be caught, but you are so smart, you can definitely catch them."

Girl judo.

Qianzel blinked, not paying attention to what she said, only hummed quickly.

He listened to whatever he said.

It doesn't matter if you kill someone, it doesn't matter if you want to help the police, she can do whatever she wants.

He licked his lips, and after a casual hum, he leaned forward to kiss again fascinatedly.

Yu Chu didn't push him anymore, but was stupefied by the boy's kiss, still wondering why he agreed so casually. She thought that perverts didn't like justice, didn't like the police, let alone help the police station...

However, it turned out that Qianzel was not reluctant at all, and was even very happy to do it.


a few months later.

They have already left Wudu and went to wander around. Everywhere they go, the teenagers can easily catch the criminals and escort them to the police station carelessly. What is strange is that these criminals left his hands, and when they saw the police, they were just like their relatives, and they only cried and hugged.

No one knows what they experienced in the hands of this young man. But in fact... Qian Zeer caught these people, and he would not do anything to them.

He just always looked at these people itchingly.

The criminals were horrified, looked at by the juvenile's strange eyes, and sometimes really felt that this person really wanted to gouge out their eyes, or cut off their ears, or take out bones—

If there was a gentler girl next to him, the criminals would not dare to imagine their fate.

So when they were sent to the police station, the first thought in their minds turned out to be relief.

Qianzel never killed anyone again.

No more out of control.

Like a child, he was finally educated a little bit on the right path. Now his biggest research desire is to cook, and his favorite thing is to watch the stars.

Even enjoyed bedtime stories.

After Yu Chu finished telling a story, he saw that the young man beside him had peaceful eyebrows and long and steady breathing.

She smiled slightly and kissed his forehead.

Thank him for caring about her no matter what and liking her.

Only then can any story point to completion.

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