100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1153 Protecting the National Treasure (24)


The panda group that I have been thinking about for so long has appeared in front of me inexplicably now?

Several people were in disbelief.

Across a wall, someone gradually came over there, and the boss of Wei gritted his teeth: "Take it away."

A few people sneaked away with the dumplings, trembling with fear, and left the maze in a roundabout way. They quickly hid the baby panda and went straight out of the amusement park.

They got back into the car, carefully avoiding people and exiting the garage, still in a trance as if in a dream.

"Why is it so easy...?"

Looking at the quiet dumpling on the side, a few people were still in disbelief, they just felt like they were dreaming.

The boss smoked a cigarette, "Never mind, just take the panda away, and you'll be able to change hands right away—"

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Wait!"

Everyone in the car looked at him.

The boss frowned impatiently: "What the hell are you called?"

The man handed over the phone in horror, and a group of people came over to take a look, only to see that the account that stole the panda was broadcasting live, and the live broadcast screen——

It was in their car!

Several people were horrified, the boss took a breath, and the smoke choked him all at once. He coughed desperately a few times, and was so shocked that his eyes wandered in the car.

"Where's the camera..."

All the pictures were intercepted, and the netizens’ barrages were very enjoyable. The boss was in a trance for a while, and immediately said ruthlessly: “Don’t let the car, let’s go!”

"it is good……"

Several people hurriedly prepared to stop, but as soon as the car landed, they saw the approaching police car.

Getting out of the car at this time is tantamount to seeking death...

The thief gang was completely panicked, and the driver hurriedly raised the speed again and tried desperately to dodge.

In the live broadcast, several people were in a panic, which made netizens feel very happy.

"They have today too!"

"I can't catch them. I think they are floating, and they dare to broadcast live."

"Uncle police quickly catch them..."


Netizens watched the live broadcast excitedly. This thrilling real chase was actually broadcast live on social platforms, and everyone felt very exciting.

The van in front fled desperately, and the police car in the back was also in hot pursuit. While netizens were worried and sweating for the fate of the dumplings, a harsh brake sound suddenly sounded.

The whole van shook violently.

A small and cool women's motorcycle in front turned a corner, the girl's long snow-white slender legs touched the ground, took off her helmet and hung it on the car, beckoning to several people.

Yu Chu was very satisfied.

It feels pretty good to calculate scum. It's really good to have a slag back pot.

But the barrage exploded instantly.

"Where the hell is the motorcycle goddess from!"

"Ahhh it's so cool!"

"Wow wow the action of taking off the helmet! That handsome gesture! Wow wow long legs! Goddess!"

"Ah, ah, the goddess saves the panda! So cute!"


The live broadcast barrage continued frantically. A few people in the car were afraid of being caught by the police, so they hurriedly prepared to abandon the car and run away, not forgetting to grab the panda's backpack.

"where to?"

Yu Chu appeared now to clear his suspicions, so he blinked his eyes and raised his chin, and the next moment he propped up on the car seat and smiled to solve a person.

There was an excited scream in the barrage.

No one noticed, the little dumpling in the backpack glanced at the girl, and then rolled his eyes silently.


Put two more changes first, I will code to the end today. The main line of this story is simple without revenge, and it is also a sudden inspiration, which is relatively short. Then after the code is finished, it will be updated together, and the new plane will start tomorrow. Oh it's cold. Should Liang be diligent and stock up on food for the winter?

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