100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1157 Protecting the National Treasure (28) End


His movements suddenly stopped, he lay obediently and was kissed, his fingers were clasped by the other party, and slowly pulled away to the sides, an ambiguous factor appeared in the air.

When the girl raised her head, the soft ball blinked, still a little dissatisfied, and wanted to pull her down, but the girl's hand immediately landed on his neckline, pulling the shirt open, revealing a piece of beautiful fair skin.

The teenager tilted his head and was a little curious, so he stopped and looked at her with blinking eyes.

Yu Chu is now quite proficient, his slender fingers follow the line of the boy's body, and he saw him squinting his eyes, frowning, and panting uncomfortably, his voice soft.

With her movements, Xiao Tuanzi's expression became more and more confused, and then she was a little flustered, but she didn't want to stop it for no reason, so she frowned tangled, and in the end she just let the other party move.

This night of tossing, Yu Chu thought it would be over soon, but the boy in the dumpling went from being confused and panicking at the beginning, to being bullied and aggrieved, until finally she stopped and was about to end, but he blinked his eyes to stop her.

When Yu Chu got up for a meeting the next day, he didn't seem to be sleeping well, and at first glance, he was tormented. The executives of the company looked at each other with endless meaning.

Yu Chu naturally saw their eyes, but he didn't care too much. During the meeting, the little dumpling became more clingy, wishing that he was a pendant hanging on her body, holding her tightly all the time.

When the video conference was finally over, not only Yu Chu breathed a sigh of relief, but even the executives also breathed a sigh of relief.

Eat dog food too much, you need to digest.

During the daily kissing and hugging meetings, Yu Chu's company was thriving, which made Ming's father a little unbelievable, and at the same time, he happily handed over other companies to her.

The first thing Yu Chu did when he took over the company was to check the bills to make sure that all the funds were in control, and that the stepmother would not let the company's money go away.

Because she is young, promising, and beautiful, she occasionally goes out to the company, but she has become addicted to a domineering president. Many male employees of the company are courteous, and she is as shy as a little white rabbit trying to attract the attention of the president.

Yu Chu was so annoyed that he brought his real boyfriend there on purpose. The dumpling boy just followed the whole process, occasionally acting coquettishly and clinging, and did nothing to keep others away.

The CEO's goblin is too good-looking to compare.

Moreover, this beautiful young man is too stupid and sweet, and the image of the heroine of the president's article is properly. All the male staff believe that this person is not stupid and sweet, so they are willing to be inferior.

Although there are still resentful eyes following him from time to time, Yu Chu has finally calmed down.

She gradually no longer limited to controlling her stepmother, but began to test her business talents and expand the company's territory. Perhaps because she has traveled through many worlds, she has always done well in terms of vision and market.

The soft dumplings have become a veritable little wife, hugging each other happily every day, occasionally learning to cook on a whim, and being lazy most of the time.

Yu Chu's heart is very calm - she still doesn't know what the next plane and what she will face.

When the system assigns a new task, the voice is a little weird: "Host, new world, in order to facilitate you to complete the task, you can set the task mode."

"Mission mode?" Yu Chu asked casually, "It can't be a memory reset or something."

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