100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1166 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (9)


Because Cheng Mingming was beautiful and moving, his face was a little red, and he said unnaturally, "Here you are."

Cheng Mingming just nodded. That casual look, like the eldest lady facing the servants at home.

The boy's expression suddenly became slightly bitter, and in the end he just lowered his head and walked away listlessly.

He understands that he has no supernatural powers, and he is not very good-looking, so how can he be qualified to approach such a perfect person.

Cheng Mingming didn't care about his emotions.

This boy is only 3o points.

This is because of his handsome appearance.

But just because she is so beautiful and has no superpowers, she is regarded as a servant in the last days, and Cheng Mingming disdains to take a second look.

The day passed peacefully, like the calm before a storm. At night, Shao Feng suddenly offered to go down to watch the night.

Others were a little surprised.

Shao Feng has the strongest ability in the team, because that boy has no ability, he can only see when the zombies are approaching, but the ability user can sense it from a long distance. Therefore, Ah Fu and Gangzi usually take turns to watch the night.

At this time, Shao Feng took the initiative to propose, and he knew it was a bit strange, so he added: "My abilities may be upgraded in the past two days, so I can't sleep for too long."

Several other people suddenly realized.

The ability upgrade is naturally a happy event, and everyone has no doubts, and they are happy to congratulate him in advance.

Li'er held his arm with a proud look, which made Yu Chu look tired.

The last hint reminded her, but she was scolded in turn and almost made Cheng Mingming suspicious of herself. Yu Chu knew the end of being a good man, so he kept silent at this moment.

Everyone fell asleep.

Lier said at first that she wanted to accompany Shao Feng, but was called back by Shao Feng on the grounds of distress. She really believed Shao Feng's distressed nonsense, and she was very happy when she came back.

At night, Yu Chu huddled in his seat and slept.

However, her alertness is higher than that of the people here. When Cheng Mingming just got up, she noticed it and opened her eyes calmly to look over.

Cheng Mingming got out of the car quietly.

Yu Chu watched her sneak out of the car, and there was no turbulence in her heart. She closed her eyes and prepared to rest, but then she heard a sound keenly.

She opened her eyes again, but saw that the emaciated teenager also quietly got up and got out of the car.

Yu Chu blinked his eyes thoughtfully.

This kid... just wants to listen to the corner?

...Isn't it because you thought Cheng Mingming was innocent and worried that she would get off the bus and be taken advantage of by Shao Feng?

Then his worldview is afraid that it will collapse soon.

Yu Chu calmly closed his eyes and rested. After a while, he heard footsteps again. Although it was still very quiet, he was obviously more flustered than when he went out.

She was a little annoyed, opened her eyes, and saw the emaciated teenager staggering back to her seat, huddled in the seat without saying a word, looking a little dazed.

Yu Chu thought with his toes, and knew what he saw. It's just that Cheng Mingming was not bullied, but he took the initiative to seduce Shao Feng.

She was too lazy to care, but after thinking about it, she felt that it would be good to take this opportunity to wake others up.

She got up, saw the fruit in front of her, took an apple and walked towards the boy.

The teenager obviously didn't expect anyone to wake up, and his entire thin body shrank into the chair.

Yu Chu carefully wiped the apple peel for himself, and asked casually, "What's wrong with you?"

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