100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1172 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (15)


Not far ahead, a distinctly different zombie looked at them with red eyes.

"How can there be a zombie king here?" Shao Feng was horrified. But he is a power user in the team, and there are people to protect, so he can't escape at this time.

He quickly released Cheng Mingming's hand, "Take your sister to hide first! It's not far from the base, and someone will soon notice that they will come to rescue. Don't be afraid, I'll pick you up when things are over here."

Cheng Mingming said hello quickly, dragged Yu Chu and ran to the stone pile in the distance.

Yu Chu looked back, and Li'er was pushed away by Shao Feng, and hid in the nearby stone pile with tears in her eyes.

She followed Cheng Mingming for two steps, and suddenly heard the cry of a child. Yu Chu's heart moved slightly, and he fell on purpose without noticing. Cheng Mingming took her hand and let go, and the nearby zombies had already surrounded him.

Although Cheng Mingming didn't want to save her, but she was his own supernatural energy, so he had to run back.

However, Yu Chu turned over to avoid the zombies, quickly turned into the stone pile next to him, and shouted to Cheng Mingming, "Don't worry about me, I'll hide! You hurry up and hide first!"

Seeing that the different energy sources were all right, Cheng Mingming was a little relieved, and quickly climbed into the stone crevice next to him to hide.

Yu Chu was quiet for a while, before he quietly dug out of the pile of stones, walked neatly along the cry, and saw another group of trapped people.

The person with the child simply slashed the back of the child's neck, knocking him out, and the crying stopped. This is also to avoid crying to attract more zombies.

The man was on the rock pile, and he threw the child on the side where there were no zombies with his backhand, while he jumped down facing a group of zombies, attracting all the zombies.

Yu Chu opened his eyes wide and saw that the man was instantly drowned by zombies, but the child landed safely on the other side.

She felt a little trembling in her heart, pursed her lips and turned it over neatly, wanting to pick the child.

At this moment, she saw a lonely zombie wandering near the crack of the stone.

It pounced toward the crevice.

The child fell on the side outside the stone crevice. Yu Chu subconsciously thought it was aimed at the child, so he immediately jumped down and kicked the zombie away with one foot. blood.

The people in the cracks were also stunned.

The palms of his hands were drenched in cold sweat. He thought he was going to die, but as a result, someone fell from the sky...

The stone cracks were stacked in layers, and he couldn't see the full face of the person, only heard her groaning when she bumped over, it was a young girl.

"Are you okay?" he asked subconsciously.

Yu Chu was also stunned for a moment, only then did he realize that he had saved Baimu by chance. In this case, she didn't have the intention to explain, she quickly dug out the stone to find the child, settled him on a high place, and stood by herself.

My back hurts a bit, but it's okay. She was too caught off guard just now. In fact, with her current skills, she doesn't need supernatural powers, but only martial arts is enough to protect herself.

She did not intend to take the child with her. After all, she came to complete the task, not to be a good old man.

Yu Chu planned to wait for the base's rescue team to arrive, so he quietly left here and returned to the hiding place.

Baimu in the stone crack did not get an answer, and the girl left here. He couldn't hear the other party's movements, but his emotions gradually became complicated.

After ten minutes of suffering for everyone, the rescue team at the base finally arrived.


If you love me, there is a male lead in this rescue team. If you don't love me... Hmph, yes. Good night

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