100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1175 The Queen of the Doomsday (18)


Mu Yan also just passed by and saw a girl with a back injury. The wound was not deep, but it looked very painful. Her expression did not change.

He usually doesn't like to meddle in his own business, but at this time he was suddenly a little interested, so he stopped and took the initiative to speak.

And Yu Chu, looking at the fair and delicate face of the young man, was a little surprised. She really didn't expect that this electricity-type power user is so young and beautiful.

No wonder Cheng Mingming in his previous life was so obsessed with him. This person does have the capital to attract Cheng Mingming.

However, Yu Chu did not intend to communicate with this person.

According to the law, this guy is also Cheng Mingming's harem sooner or later. She can do some damage at most to prevent Cheng Mingming from getting his wish, but she doesn't need to have any interaction with this person. Anyway, as long as the task is completed.

Yu Chupi raised his lower lip without smiling, as a greeting, "You are joking, you are a supernatural being, not a zombie, of course you don't eat people."

She said, and jumped off the pile of stones.

The boy leaning against the stone pillar narrowed his eyes, then stood up straight, and followed lazily. The light gray beautiful pupils blinked slightly, and he glanced at the girl's back, "The injury on your back, please deal with it first?"

"Need not."

Yu Chu replied perfunctorily, seeing this extremely beautiful young man following him, he couldn't help but wonder.

The young man looked at her back slowly, then looked at her face again, and said nothing.

Always feel familiar.

The two came to the rescue team together.

The child rescued by Yu Chu was also searched by the rescue team and brought here. The survivors were brought here, but there was no sign of Shiroki.

Yu Chu frowned slightly.

When the rescue team saw Mu Yan, they shrank like a mouse and a cat, but had to bite the bullet and greet him one by one. The young man casually leaned aside, and no one paid any attention.

Cheng Mingming was shocked when he saw him.

Not to mention ability, just the appearance of the young man is extremely outstanding. Cheng Mingming has never seen such a good-looking person, and he is young and has electrical power.

She was almost trembling with joy, and while determined to win, she hurriedly asked the system, "How much is he?"

The scoring system hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "I can't find it, he is not in the scoring target."

Cheng Mingming was stunned.

Everyone in the world can be graded, why can't this person be?

This made her more curious and made her want to seduce this person.

Comparing the two, the strategy on Nanfeng’s side can be put aside for a while, and focus on attacking this person first.

Cheng Mingming got a little excited when she thought about it, and walked over quickly, not forgetting to take care of her sister first, playing the role of a gentle sister: "Chuchu, why did you come here..." Before she finished speaking, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Yu Chu's back He was stunned for a moment, then quickly pretended to be shocked and distressed, "Why are you injured!"

Yu Chu glanced at her, "Accidentally."

"You're too careless. When you get to the base, I'll help you find some medicine to apply." Cheng Mingming hurriedly cared again, "It must be very painful."

After she finished saying this, she noticed that the beautiful and indifferent teenager looked at them.

Cheng Mingming felt happy and complacent in his heart.

Her appearance can attract Nanfeng's attention, and naturally she can also be favored by this electricity-type power user.

"It's okay." Yu Chu stood aside.

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