100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1179 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (22)


Surprisingly, these two are both so young and their looks are fascinating.

Especially the boy with light gray eyes, so beautiful, and expressionless, the girls in the team couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

"That person from the electrical department is actually so good-looking and looks so young!"

"I heard that the electrical system is very powerful. If it weren't for its scarcity, I'm afraid it could be compared with the spiritual system..."

"When you came, didn't you see the electricity falling from the sky outside the city? Such a powerful and beautiful move, that's the power of the power of electricity..."

"Yeah, it's like fireworks. It's nice..."

The girls chattered and shyly peeked at the boy, but they were more attentive than Ling Nanfeng.

The hearing ability of the power user is good, and the two people being discussed also heard these conversations. Nan Feng turned his head and glanced at the boy, "You have high vision, there is no girl you like in the base. This time this is not bad. "

He and Mu Yan are both strong, and they are not narrow-minded people, so the relationship is not bad, and this kind of thing can be joked.

I thought Mu Yan would ignore it, but this time, the young man turned his head, raised his delicate eyebrows slightly, and his tone was obviously not very pleasant, "Do you think it's good too?"

Nan Feng was stunned.

Cheng Mingming was good-looking, but he felt that he was a little bit worse when it came to being noticed by Mu Yan.

But in terms of looks alone, Cheng Mingming is not bad. Mu Yan actually noticed her?

Nan Feng nodded, "That's right. Although she doesn't have any supernatural powers, she looks and has a good personality. I was a little interested in her, but if you like it, I won't join in the fun. Are you going to take her away later?"

He deliberately wanted to win over Mu Yan.

Originally, he had a little interest in Cheng Mingming. If he could use this small concession to win over Mu Yan, an electricity-type power user, it would naturally be a very cost-effective thing.

So Nan Feng decided to give up without thinking, and handed over Cheng Mingming to Mu Yan.

But the boy's expression seemed to darken.

He was silent for a while, before moving his beautiful light gray eyes away, his voice was calm and cold, "She's not interested in you, she doesn't need you to let her go."

Nan Feng was stunned again.

This person actually cares about Cheng Mingming to this extent. He thought he gave up and could win over Mu Yan a little, but he didn't expect this guy to be jealous instead.

How strange, is this love at first sight?

The two didn't speak anymore, just watched the team slowly walk by.

In front of Cheng Mingming, Yu Chu tested his abilities first, but nothing was detected.

She was about to go forward, but Cheng Mingming who was behind couldn't help but exhorted again: "Get closer to me, don't go too far, there are so many people here, I'm afraid I won't be able to find you."

A sarcastic smile flashed across Yu Chu's lips, and he didn't say anything, only nodded lightly.

She stepped aside.

Cheng Mingming began to test his abilities.

Under the gazes of countless people, the beautiful girl put her hand on the test stone, and a little golden light immediately appeared on it. The person in charge of the test opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief, "This is... the light element?"

There was an uproar in the team.

Cheng Mingming raised the corners of his lips slightly proudly.

The golden light became stronger and stronger. Seeing that he was on the verge of reaching the standard ability, Yu Chu blinked and slowly stepped back ten meters away.

Under everyone's attention, the faint light was suddenly extinguished.

Cheng Mingming's smile froze on his face.

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