100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1190 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (33)


But she didn't plan to tell Mu Yan about this.

She was not an ally of the alliance in the first place. She didn't want to delay this person. She said it very clearly, but he didn't let go. Yu Chu felt a little helpless.

Never thought that I would meet such a person. I don't even know what I like about her.

The teenager noticed her gaze, turned his eyes and glanced at her, "You can call me if you're afraid."

Yu Chu shook his head, "I have supernatural powers."

"Then you can call me if you want me."


During the conversation, there was a car coming soon, and the new people at the base were not very afraid. After all, this time out, there was a leader who followed in person, as well as the electricity system ability user.

Mu Yan had never paid attention to this kind of test before, but this time he was willing to join, everyone knew who it was for.

"That girl's life is too good..."

"That's right, it's a good fate to be spotted by the legendary big man..."

"She has no powers..."

Sour words are of course indispensable, but Yu Chu didn't bother to pay attention to it, so he leaned against the window and closed his eyes to rest.

The car bumped a bit, and the young man sitting beside him leaned over as if tentatively. Seeing that she didn't respond, he leaned back in a comfortable position and put his head on her neck confidently.

Yu Chu opened his eyes and pushed him: "Get up."

Mu Yan was pushed by her and sat down, but then he took her hand and drew a symbol on her palm, "If you need me, use your supernatural ability to wake up this electric symbol."

Yu Chu paused, then withdrew his hand and shook it.

The trace of the other party's fair fingertips on the palm of her hand was slightly itchy, she pursed her lips, "I'm fine."

"I know, just in case." The young man said softly, and approached quietly, but was still mercilessly stopped.

He pursed his lips, turned his head reluctantly and sat down.

Yu Chu was silent for a moment, then lowered his eyes and said, "I heard that the northern base sent people to conduct a base competition?"

It was rare for her to take the initiative to speak, and Mu Yan nodded. Although he didn't pay much attention to the affairs between the bases, he also recalled some information, "It seems that he's here to send something important, by the way, the base has a test."

"What?" Yu Chu asked casually.

"I don't know." The boy shrugged, "If you want to know, I..."

"No." Yu Chu interrupted him, looking at him helplessly, "You don't have to be so nice to me."

Mu Yan did not speak. Completely ignoring her.

The newcomers were taken outside a dilapidated building and dispatched to action.

Yu Chu also got out of the car and walked into the building. Cheng Mingming walked past her and gave her a smug smile.

Yu Chu ignored it and walked into the building on his own.

Cheng Mingming was so proud, probably because he knew that Nanfeng wanted to get rid of himself. Yu Chu doesn't mind letting her be proud for two days, anyway, when he destroys that thing, Cheng Mingming's biggest reliance in this apocalypse will be gone.

She walked slowly into the building and looked around.

There was the smell of bloody rust all around, and blood splattered on the walls. Before the apocalypse, horror films could be made in such places, but in the apocalypse, such terrifying buildings are the most common.

This building was built on a hillside, with lush woods behind it, and there was a faint sound of zombies coming from below, making people feel cold.

In the car outside the building, the leaders of the base quietly watched the surveillance video.

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