100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1198 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (41)


"Don't worry, with my queen, Nanfeng is nothing to be afraid of." When she said this, she was half-smiling.

Mu Yan was startled.

This sentence was deliberately said to make fun of him. She was put together by him, and she was amused, but at this time she turned around and deliberately laughed at him as the "queen".

Mu Yan knew this sentence was a joke, but he still couldn't hold back, turned his head and covered the tips of his slightly hot ears.

After Yu Chu finished laughing, he saw the person who was still cold and calm at first, as if embarrassed, turned his fair face, and the equally fair earlobes were slightly red.


She said he was the queen, but he blushed instead...

But she didn't know why, she was silent for a moment, and suddenly, inexplicably felt that this person was a little cute.

After talking with the Northern Leader, Yu Chu turned back to find the Zombie Emperor. Mu Yan didn't know what she was doing, but he still followed without principle.

When he came to the woods and saw Bai Mu with a pale face and delicate eyebrows, the boy's eyes changed.

Baimu waited for a long time before the girl came back. His eyes moved behind the girl and saw a slender and beautiful figure. He involuntarily pursed his lips.

The two looked at each other badly.

Yu Chu didn't pay attention to the weird atmosphere around him at all, took out a dose of serum from the box, activated it with his powers, and handed it directly to Baimu.

The other party was stunned and took it hesitantly.

"What is this?" he asked hoarsely.

"It's something that can turn you back into a human, so drink it." Yu Chu looked at him.

There is not much serum, and it is used as a space cover, which can effectively suppress the zombie virus.

This apocalypse finally has some light.

But Baimu, as the zombie emperor, Yu Chu was not stingy and left a precious serum for him alone.

Baimu was stunned, looked down at the serum in his hand, and in the surprise, there was a hint of disbelief.

How could it be possible that there would be something that could turn him back into a human? Can it resist zombie viruses?

But there are more viruses in his body than any zombies. Does this thing really work?

Why does she seem so determined...

There was a hint of doubt in Baimu's heart, and he looked down at the serum hesitantly, still not quite believing it.

He had never heard that humans had a way to fight the virus.

It is even more impossible to have anything that can confidently eliminate the virus and successfully turn the zombie emperor back into a human being.

His hand holding the serum clenched tightly.

Mu Yan next to him narrowed his eyes with a hint of displeasure in his eyes. He lowered his eyes and hooked her fingers quietly, suppressing his temper, "You leave the base and stay with this zombie?" He said and glanced at him. The bed made next to him gritted his teeth even more, "Still sleeping together?"

Yu Chu glanced at him.

The young man immediately stopped talking.

The opposite Baimu pursed his lips, carefully and hesitantly put the serum on his lips, the active antiviral liquid wafted out the scent, he only smelled a trace, and his face turned pale.

The gas entered his nose, and his body seemed to boil, and a constant pain surged in his brain, as if it was about to annihilate his sanity, and the stirring caused him to have a headache.

It can't be a drug.

Shiraki's hand holding the serum tightened again.

As a zombie king, the difference from other zombies is that he has reason. But this thing, just smelling the smell, can break the mind.

There was a change in his expression.

Seeing that he didn't move for a while, Yu Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a cautious step forward: "If you don't want to drink, return it first..."

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