100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1203 The Queen of the End Times (46)


However, he always seemed to have something on his mind. Cheng Mingming knew that he used to peek at her often. She thought the strategy would go smoothly, but things were a little unexpected to her, and Baimu didn't accept her from the beginning.

I still have confidence in the process of Mingming.

It was just this sudden "queen" that made her feel a little uneasy for some reason.

After arriving at the place where he lived, the car door slowly opened, followed by Nan Feng's eyes moving slightly, Cheng Mingming also showed a strange look, staring intently.

A slender long leg stepped out of the car door, and the man in the cloak got out of the car, the hood shrouded her face, making her appearance invisible. But the beautiful leg just got off the car has already amazed others in their hearts.

This queen is very young.

Following the queen to get out of the car, there was also a slender figure, also covered with a cloak, wearing a hood, so that his face could not be seen.

But from the figure in the cloak, it can be seen that this is a slender and good-looking young man. After he got out of the car, he walked over to the queen, half a step behind.

The two of them are obviously a couple, but the boys are half a step behind, obviously mainly girls.

Although Cheng Mingming didn't know the specific appearance of this boy, he thought that he was begging and following Nanfeng in vain, but the other party dismissed him. The so-called queen in front of her made the dignified northern leader respect her, and her boyfriend was obedient to her.

A trace of resentment appeared in her eyes unconsciously, she turned her head to the side, and now Nan Feng was also looking at the girl.

Her palms couldn't help clenching.

The queen is wearing a hood, and Nan Feng can't see her face, but he can see the girl's figure, the long legs that she just glanced at, and the exquisite curves under the cloak, all of which indicate that this is a young and beautiful girl.

What ability does she have, being honored as a queen by Takaya, and having the courage to challenge her own mental abilities?

Nan Feng squinted his eyes and asked with a half-smile, "Why don't you two show your true faces?"

After listening to the question, Queen didn't lift her head, and Gao Ye quickly said in front: "Nan Ling, we have no comment on the identity of this adult. You will naturally know when the base competes."

Nan Feng smiled reluctantly, still staring at the person opposite. The girl didn't even look at him.

The group was ushered in, and Nanfeng tried to talk from Takaya again, but he didn't ask anything.

He was in a bad mood, turned around and left, Cheng Mingming quickly followed, but Nan Feng was not in the mood to deal with her, so he beat her back at will.

Cheng Mingming stood on the spot and gritted his teeth, and had no choice but to return to his room. Baimu is still here, because of the injury and weakness, his face is even paler.

Cheng Mingming saw the candy bag in front of him, which contained a few apple seeds. Her eyes moved slightly, just like a few days ago, after walking over, she deliberately comforted her softly: "You can stay here with peace of mind, I will take good care of you, you don't have to worry."

Baimu raised his head, his face pale, and asked in a low voice, "Will you... take care of me?"

There was a hint of weakness and sarcasm in his voice.

Even the girl was going to kill him. Can he still believe that someone will treat him well and not harm him?

Cheng Mingming quickly assured: "Of course, don't worry, we met once, and I won't hurt you."

Bai Mu pursed his lips and said nothing.

He looked at the apple seeds, suddenly gritted his teeth, and threw them into the trash can.

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