100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1206 The Queen of the Doomsday (49)


Yu Chu sat in the innermost position, next to Mu Yan, and the boy blocked her well, preventing Baimu's exploratory gaze from falling on her.

Baimu always felt that she was familiar, but from her voice to her identity, she was very different from the person she once knew. He finally pursed his lips and didn't think any more. Anyway, that guy is going to kill him...

Shiraki's fingers retracted into his pocket, touching the little candy bag that used to hold apple seeds.

Those apple seeds, he had already thrown away, not a little bit reluctant. Those who want to kill him, don't have the slightest nostalgia. Those things, the farther away the better.

Maybe she used to have pity for him, but she knew that he was a zombie, so it was different after all.


He might try to trust Cheng Mingming once. I believe that there are still people in this world who are willing to accept him.

She knew that he was a zombie, but there was nothing unusual about him, and she even said that she was willing to be with him. Although Bai Mu felt a little weird when he thought of her past bedtime with Shao Feng, but in his current status as a zombie, she didn't mind and still touched him.

He took his hand out of his pocket and stopped thinking about the few apple seeds he once treasured.

Yu Chu inside closed his eyes and rested his mind. After a while of silence, he opened his eyes, glanced at Cheng Mingming, and said softly, "I'm thirsty, help me get a glass of water."

The car was quiet for a few seconds, and the teenager beside him naturally reached for water, but Queen held him down and said lazily, "Huh? Miss Cheng doesn't want it?"

Mu Yan paused, withdrew his hand, leaned back lazily, and looked at everyone from under his hood.

Nan Feng's eyes moved slightly, and it was a little strange, how could Queen be so interested in Cheng Mingming.

Bai Mu didn't react, just turned his head and glanced at Cheng Mingming. Seeing her blushing face was a little pitiful, his heart moved slightly, and he reached out to get water for her.

But the girl over there bowed her head, her fingertips wrapped around a wisp of show, her tone was light, as if she was facing an unimportant person, "I didn't let you take it."

Shiroki's hand froze.

He turned to look at the Queen. But the other party didn't look at him, lowered his head, and looked nonchalant.

For some reason, Bai Mu suddenly felt uncomfortable. Maybe because she was very similar to that person, this ignoring attitude made him a little uncomfortable.

The leader of the northern base, Gaoye Gang, said, "The Queen said about you, Miss Cheng."

Cheng Mingming bit his lip.

She was in a very bad mood, but she couldn't do anything. She could only endure the humiliation, gritted her teeth, poured the water, and gave it to the girl over there.

The Queen didn't answer the connection, so she said lightly, "You did a good job, this cup will reward you."


Cheng Mingming's eyes widened, and her face was flushed even more by being teased and humiliated like slavery.

She finally couldn't help but said, "Have I offended you? Don't deceive people too much!"

Before Yu Chu could speak, Mu Yan, who was beside him, frowned in displeasure, and said flatly, "Nan Ling, the people in your base, your attitude towards the Queen..."

Nan Feng, who was suddenly named, pursed his lips.

Queen has serum and cannot be offended. After all, I can't guarantee whether I will use the serum.

Nan Feng's eyes moved, although he didn't know why the code-named Queen had an opinion on Cheng Mingming, but he didn't need to think about abandoning the pawn and protecting the handsome.

He looked at Cheng Mingming and said in a light voice, "The Queen will reward you, drink it."

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