100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1211 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (54)


Cheng Mingming also just left the door and was about to go to the competition venue when he happened to see this scene.

Recently, Nanfeng ignored her and never let her go to his room again. Cheng Mingming was not happy at first, but he never expected to see such a scene again.

She controlled herself not to show any resentment.

Looking from a distance, the slender young man followed the girl with his hands behind his back. It turned out to be an accommodating gesture. He lowered his head slightly to talk to her. I don't know what the two of them said, but he actually smiled slightly.

When Nanfeng was with him, it had never been like this. He never bowed his head to listen to her accommodatingly, always she tried to raise her head to attract his attention. He never smiles like this, always coldly, or simply impatient.

Why is his attitude so different?

Cheng Mingming felt jealous and twisted in his heart, and couldn't help but walked over and called out, "Nanfeng Leader..."

The two people in front turned back, Nan Feng's smile was still on his face, he glanced at her, but only nodded and didn't speak, and then looked away again.

Cheng Mingming bit his lip and couldn't help turning to Yu Chu, and said yin and yang strangely: "Cheng Chuchu... Are you determined to not recognize my sister?"

Hearing this, Yu Chu turned to look at her and said with a half-smile, "Sister? When you wanted to kill me, you never thought I was your sister. What do you think, Nanling?"

She suddenly asked Nanfeng.

Nan Feng was stunned for a moment, knowing that she was referring to the matter of killing her by himself during that operation.

He didn't even look at Cheng Mingming, nodded and said indifferently: "Yes, if it wasn't for Miss Cheng, I wouldn't have done that wrong thing..."

He paused, his expression softened slightly, looked at the girl beside him, and said warmly: "Fortunately, you come back safely, otherwise, I will be in trouble in this life."

Cheng Mingming's eyes widened in disbelief.

A smile appeared on Yu Chu's lips, and he glanced at her half-smile.

Nanfeng can be called ruthless and unjust. After weighing the value of her and Cheng Mingming, he immediately abandoned Cheng Mingming and apologized to her politely.

I don't know if Cheng Mingming can stand it?

She looked at Cheng Mingming's face with interest.

The other party seemed to have been hit hard, and stopped on the spot with a livid face, and did not follow up.

The two turned a corner, and Yu Chu said leisurely, "Nan Ling's good looks are admirable."

She was sarcastic that he changed his face quickly.

From the moment she saw this girl, she seemed to be dismissive and cynical towards him. But for some unknown reason, Nan Feng was slightly amused, his mood softened, and he shook his head, "I'm telling the truth, fortunately you're fine, otherwise, I'm very sorry."

Yu Chu glanced at him, "Really? However, it was too late. Nan Ling used a handsome man to push me downstairs. This matter... I will never forget it."

Nan Feng pursed his lips. He was deliberately ambiguous at that time, in order to push her downstairs... I am afraid that because of this, the impression in her heart will be lower.

He was silent for a moment, and when he entered the venue, he suddenly raised his eyes and asked with a smile, "If I lose and you want to enter the science and technology park, then I win?"

Yu Chu didn't think he could win at all, and said lightly, "What do you want?"

Nan Feng's eyes stopped on her for a while before he smiled slightly, "If I win, you give me a chance to pursue you...how about it?"

Yu Chu: ? ? ?

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