100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1220 Her Lady Queen of the End Times (63)


The girl said lightly: "Not those few."

The beautiful Zombie Emperor froze for a moment, then shook his head eagerly, his voice was hoarse, almost incoherent, "It's those few, I've been looking for a long time, I've been looking for a long time, I have the ability to sense, it's those few, I'm not Whatever you can find, it's really..."

The girl looked at him, still shaking her head lightly.

"Not those few."

Shiro was silent for a while.

Yu Chu didn't speak anymore, the two of them were very quiet.

The boy's eyes turned red.

He understood what she meant.

It's the ones...not the ones.

never go back.

He put down his hand, holding the few things that he had worked so hard to find in his palm tightly, his lips moved, he didn't know what to say, so tears fell first.

Yu Chu didn't expect that the dignified zombie emperor actually cried when he said that, with his head down and tears falling, like a child who finally grew up, but it was too late.

She shook her head, and finally said lightly, "Go to the space cover. The serum in the space cover is thin. It takes a day for ordinary zombies to recover, and you may need a year, or a few years. I don't have any serum for you."

She said it indifferently, and the boy's tears fell even more, clenched his hands, and finally nodded hoarsely: "Okay... I will listen to you."

Yu Chu was stunned.

The virus was eliminated, and the pain to be suffered was enormous, which was evident from the time she just gave him the serum. It was just the smell of a little serum, which made the Zombie Emperor unable to bear the pain in his mind.

Not to mention staying in serum, year after year.

Yu Chu thought that he would agree, but he did not expect that he would agree so readily.

Then, the task is complete.

She nodded and stood for two seconds, feeling that she had nothing to say, so she turned to leave.

"Wait," the boy suddenly said in a hoarse voice.

Yu Chu turned his head and saw that he raised his fingers again, with a few fruit seeds spread out on the palm of his hand. A nervous smile appeared on the handsome face of the young man, and he said softly, "These few... Can you give me?"

Yu Chu was quiet for a few seconds, then nodded, "Send you."

After she finished speaking, she didn't stop or look at his expression, she turned and got into the car.

Baimu, like a child who got candy, curled his lips and smiled, tears blurring his vision.

The car drove away slowly.

At the end of the road, the figure of the young man is getting farther and farther away.

The heart of the zombie is also getting more and more empty.


A few years later.

The leader of the southern base announced his abdication, and he prepared to go outside the base to have a look. Some people ridiculed that his powers were getting worse day by day, but this always proud leader always smiled slightly on this topic, neither arguing nor explaining.

When she left, she wasn't despondent, but relaxed, as if she was about to start another life.

And speaking of strange anecdotes in the last days, there is one more thing that has always been talked about by everyone.

——In the zombie kingdom covered by the space cover, there is a boy who grows an apple tree.

The zombies will stay in the space hood until they recover and then leave. This man stayed there year after year, suffering the daily pain of being affected by the serum, without complaining, just planting trees in silence.

He planted a lot of trees, took good care of them and they grew up. Occasionally he will command the zombies to help.

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