100 Ways to Get the Male God

1225. Chapter 1225 Female Honored Lady (4)


There was a hint of sarcasm on Bai Liming's face, "So what if he came, I'm afraid he won't do it?"

When the Qu family fell, Qu Heng was introverted and never conflicted with others, so Bai Liming was naturally not afraid.

But no matter what the Qu family said, they were also a respectable family, so after saying this, he stopped, and after all, it wasn't too ugly.

A boy came up the steps over there.

He was born slender and good-looking, with his eyes lowered slightly, and a simple white long coat. Nowadays, young people in Beijing like to draw flowers on their foreheads, but Qu Heng never makes these superfluous decorations, with delicate eyebrows and clear eyes, and a natural beauty.

His slender lips were pale in color, and Bai Liming had never seen this young man use lip makeup, but the color was smooth and beautiful, very moving, which made him very jealous.

However, what Qu Heng most envied by the teenagers was his indescribable eyes.

After he approached, he raised his eyes slightly, those eyes that seemed to be starry, so that those who approached couldn't help but take a breath, and pursed their lips enviously.

This guy looks too good-looking.

Bai Liming was extremely jealous in his heart, turned his face disapprovingly, and whispered to the people around him, "What if you look good, it's not that you can't marry."

The man whispered, "Shizi Qu has a marriage contract..."

Bai Liming raised his eyebrows and sneered, "General Chu Li won a great victory. His Majesty personally rewarded the Hundred Flowers Banquet. What do you think the Hundred Flowers Banquet is for? It's not for the general to choose a husband... The Qu family may not be able to climb up the general."

The man next to him understood and said, "Isn't that true? Besides, Shizi Qu has a marriage contract after all, and considering General Chu's face, no one dares to ask for another marriage."

Hearing this, Bai Liming felt very happy, spread out his fan and shook it, "That's the reason."

They mocked happily here, Qu Heng only lowered his eyes and sipped his tea, as if he hadn't heard.

The servant next to him was slightly annoyed, "How could they say that to His Royal Highness?"

Qu Heng lowered his eyes. A faint smile appeared on the boy's astonishingly beautiful face, "It's true."

"Prince!" The little servant sighed, "You can't give up, the county king and the county prince have explained to you many times, this marriage contract can give you shelter..."

The young man shook his head slightly, "General Chu has returned victorious, and he is in the limelight. He may not be willing to marry, and the Qu family probably won't be able to ask her for protection. As for me..."

In the beautiful eyes with broken light, there is some conflict in emotions, "...I don't want to get married either."


A few days later, the army arrived in the capital.

Countless people were looking forward to seeing the young general's demeanor. Her Majesty the Queen, Longyan Joy, personally came to welcome General Chu Li to dismount.

In front of everyone's eyes, the heroic general dismounted from his horse, and was lifted up by the queen before he saluted, and touched her face affectionately, "Li'er, it's not easy to fight, and you've lost a lot of weight."

Chu Li often went to the palace when he was a child, and he was very fond of the Queen at that time, as if he treated his junior.

Yu Chu shook his head slightly, "The last commander was ordered to take back the lost land in our country, and I dare not fail to do my duty."

The queen nodded kindly, "Okay, okay, you can rest well. I specially prepared a hundred flowers feast for you to celebrate. When you have rested, it will be held in a grand manner."

The staff behind Chen heard the words Baihua Banquet, and his expression suddenly became slightly strange.

The original owner lived in the military camp since he was a child, but he had never heard of this, so Yu Chu nodded.

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