100 Ways to Get the Male God

1227. Chapter 1227 The lady is a lady (6)


After Yu Chu went to the palace to confer rewards, he first returned to his home. The Chu family was a well-known military family in the dynasty. Since the founding of the country, every dynasty and generation has been highly valued by the queen, and it is a family of heroes at the level of the founding elders.

Most of such aristocratic families will receive suspicion from the emperor, but the Chu family, relying on their loyalty and strength, has stood in the dynasty for so many years, and the more brilliant they are.

Every dynasty, the prince of the royal family married the daughter of the Chu family to stabilize the relationship between the Chu family and the royal family.

Marriage has always been a means of securing a relationship.

The original owner's father was a prince. He married into the Chu family and became the husband. His identity also guaranteed that Yu Chu, as the eldest daughter of the Chu family, was extremely honorable.

There are several younger sisters in the family, but they are all daughters of concubines, and no one has the ability to match the original master.

Therefore, the original owner is also the most favored in the heart of the Chu family's mistress. Although the original owner guards the border all the year round and cannot come back, the mother-daughter relationship is not alienated because of this.

After Yu Chu got off the horse, he walked directly into the hall and met the Chu family's mistress, who was the head of the hall, and his father, who was the husband of the Chu family.

Father Chu stood up excitedly, tears welling up in his eyes, patted his daughter's hand, and said in a low voice, "Li'er, how are you doing at the border?"

"Father Lao is concerned, everything is fine." Yu Chu said with a slight smile.

The Chu family mistress next to her nodded with satisfaction.

There were also several men in the concubine's room under the main seat, as well as their daughters, each with a reluctant smile, obviously not happy with Yu Chu's return.

The mother of the Chu family took Yu Chu to chat for a while, and then asked her to rest first, "You are at the border all the year round, and you are tired all the way back. Ask your father to take you to the room to rest, and there is something to explain to you."

Yu Chu nodded, briefly chatted with a few men in the concubine's room, and went out with Father Chu.

After the few concubines smiled and greeted each other, there was a trace of unnatural expressions on their faces.

Chu Li was originally the eldest daughter, and she is now the most majestic general. Compared with their daughter, she is many times better.

When Chu Li didn't come back, the mistress often missed her, and she must be more favored this time.

The mood of the concubine and the daughters is naturally not good.

After Yu Chu and Chu's father left the hall, the Chu family's mistress's expression became slightly cold, she glanced at the people in the hall coldly, and warned lightly: "Li'er is back, there are some people in the family, you must take care of your own behavior, Don't have any inappropriate thoughts..."

She paused, and her tone increased a bit, "Li'er is the eldest daughter of my Chu family. I have remembered this clearly and recognized my identity."

Everyone's expressions changed, and they responded in a low voice.

Mother Chu flung her sleeves and walked out.

After she went out, the people behind dared to look up. The daughter of one of the concubines said angrily: "Mother is too partial. That Chu Li is the eldest daughter, and mother is afraid that she will not be wronged by us?"

Her father hurriedly said, "Don't say it, be careful to hear it in the ears of the mistress."

"I didn't say anything wrong. In front of the civil and military officials, Chu Li dared to kill chickens with iron and blood to show the monkeys. How could she be wronged by us?" Another girl also bit her lip, "Mother doesn't need to warn us. , the eccentricity is too obvious..."

The faces of the group were not very good-looking.

"She's all alone in the limelight..."

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