100 Ways to Get the Male God

1237. Chapter 1237 Female Honored Lady (16)


After confirming that there was no problem with his makeup, he followed the soldiers out of the tea pavilion with restraint.

Chu Ting followed behind with a slightly gloomy expression.

The attitudes of the soldiers along the way were all respectful and cold, and the etiquette could not be faulted, but apart from being respectful, they were not cordially welcoming.

Chu Ting has always envied Chu Li's prestige in the army, but when she came to the military camp, what she got was alienation.

Chu Ting felt a little jealous. Everything she yearns for is within Chu Li's grasp. These soldiers respect and worship Chu Li, but they have completely different attitudes towards themselves.

Bai Liming didn't pay attention to this. In his opinion, the soldiers bowed their heads because they didn't dare to face him.

The soldiers have been in the barracks for a long time and have not seen many men, not to mention his appearance is famous in the capital.

With confidence and pride, he followed the soldiers to the training ground.


As soon as they entered the door, the two of them were startled by the uniform shouting. The women who were practicing long swords didn't even look at them, and continued to neatly swing their heavy swords.

Those weapons were all used on the battlefield, with icy sharpness and at the same time a heavy bloody appearance. Chu Ting took a step back in fright, her face a bit ugly.

She has been eating, drinking and playing in the capital for a long time, where has she seen the real army murderousness.

Bai Liming's face is not good-looking, but the only thing that supports him and makes him perform better than Chu Ting is that he remembers that he is here to make the general fascinated...

If you scare away as soon as you come, where is the image?

The two of them walked stiffly and walked through the martial arts field until they came to the high platform on the other side, and they saw that in addition to the general, there was also a tall boy wearing Mili standing on the high platform.

Chu Ting was stunned.

Bai Liming's face suddenly became wonderful.

Where is this little goblin from? I never heard that General Chu was served by a waiter by his side! Moreover, the waiter would not wear such clothes. The workmanship is simple, but the temperament is cold and noble.

Bai Liming looked at the man a few times, and his heart became more and more blocked.

He has carefully put on makeup for a long time, but I haven't seen this person's face yet, and I feel that he is indescribable. Moreover, he can also stand behind General Chu Li, and the relationship must be not shallow.

Because it was the first time they met, he had nothing to do with General Chu Li. Bai Liming did not dare to ask questions, but bowed jealously and said softly, "General Chu Li."

Just as Yu Chu was about to raise her hand to get up, a fair hand stretched out beside her and handed over her teacup.

She took the teacup, but did not speak, and casually motioned Baili to ring.

Bai Liming hated in his heart.

That little hoof must be on purpose!

General Chu Li was about to talk to himself just now, but was blocked by the cup of tea!

He gritted his teeth and looked up at the boy.

The other party behaved naturally, as if nothing was born.

Chu Ting next to her didn't salute, she just reluctantly shouted lazily, "Sister."

Yu Chu lifted the lid of the teacup and smiled without saying a word.

The subordinate next to her immediately stepped forward and said coldly, "Miss Chu's rank is lower than that of a general, please bow according to your respect."

Yu Chuyou took a sip of tea leisurely.

Chu Ting's expression instantly became wonderful, her face blushed: "...my sister and I are family..."

"Family should also pay attention to etiquette. Isn't that what your father taught you?" Yu Chu propped his chin, "I have been at the border all the year round, and I know that etiquette cannot be broken. You have always been taught by your father, why don't you know?"

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