100 Ways to Get the Male God

1239. Chapter 1239 The lady is a lady (18)


Chu Ting and Bai Liming wanted to cry but had no tears.

The general said that he wanted to demonstrate, and he didn't go to the high platform, so he pointed at a soldier at random, then held a long knife, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Let's start."

The sun shines on the surface of the long knife, but it cannot illuminate the temperature. It seems to be so cold all the time. With every move, the coldness of the blood is soaked on the surface of the knife little by little.

This is a real fight, not a joking fight between dandy girls. Even some high-ranking children have killed people, but it is completely different from the hard work on the battlefield.

The general's action of closing the move casually turned the knife around and pointed straight at Chu Ting who was standing.

The other party's face was pale, and he was caught off guard by Daofeng's finger, and his legs went weak, and he knelt on the ground.

Yu Chu retracted the knife and raised his eyebrows, "Aiya? The second sister told me about the family just now, how come it's such a big gift now. Get up quickly."

She said, turned her head with a smile, and looked at Bailiming, who was also pale: "This knife barbecue is delicious, do you want to try it, Master Baili?"

Bai Liming's face instantly turned rainbow-colored, he stood up hastily, stammered and said tremblingly, "No need...General, when I went out, my father specifically explained that he would go back early, I, I Just go back..."

Chu Ting on the ground also struggled to get up, with a pale face, "I... send Master Baili, sister, please be busy."


When the soldiers led the two and they disappeared, Yu Chu sneered and turned to look at the young man.

Qu Heng stood on the spot without speaking.

"Is Your Highness frightened?" She handed the knife to the soldier, then walked over, raised her hand to lift the power fence in front of the boy, and saw that the other party's face was also a little pale.

"Scared?" she asked.

Qu Heng was also a noble and pampered His Highness from a young age, and it was difficult to adapt to these at first glance.

But he knew that in front of the generals who had been in the military camp since childhood, any discomfort was disrespect.

Moreover, the general is fighting for the country, his job is to kill the enemy, and eating informally is also a virtue, not something to be alienated. He can't be the same as Bai Liming's performance.

But it was really uncomfortable in her heart, Qu Heng tried to transfer this feeling, lowered her eyes slightly, slender fingers took the general's fingers, and the fingertips gently rubbed the palm of her hand.

Because of the intimacy, Hao Ranchong, who was surging in his heart, relieved the discomfort. The boy's fair cheeks turned crimson, and when he touched the part of her palm that was slightly hard due to holding the knife, he whispered, "It's still that sentence... the general serves the country. People, Qu Heng admires. I just hope that the general will not work too hard."

With the power fence on both sides, the young man raised a pair of broken and star-like eyes, and his eyes were softly curved.

Yu Chu's heart was hit in an instant.

Damn, such a petite, soft, considerate and considerate little brother!

It simply fulfills all her requirements for a girlfriend.

She smiled and said, "It's not hard work. Your Highness has specially sent food boxes, of course I don't work hard."

Qu Heng blinked, and after reacting, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

"If the general likes it, I can come and deliver it often."


After the martial arts practice that day, Qu Heng saw Yu Chu more often.

And because of the relationship with the general, it seems that he is expected to marry into the Chu family. At home, the mother often deliberately pleases the father, and both father and son are much better.

Qu Heng ignored her.

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