100 Ways to Get the Male God

1243. Chapter 1243 Female Honored Lady (22)


The teenagers stood far away and did not dare to approach the pavilion where the Queen and the Chu family's mistress were, but Bai Liming was not afraid and walked over with a smile.

He walked into the pavilion, first bowed to Her Majesty the Queen, then turned around and bowed to the Mistress of the Chu family, who nodded kindly to signal to get up.

Outside the pavilion, they looked at the observing teenagers from a distance, and when they saw this scene, they looked at each other with admiration.

The attitude of the Chu family's mistress is so kind, it seems that Bailiming's candidate is really inseparable.

Bai Liming said a few words with the Chu family mistress, turned his face slightly smugly, and looked at Qu Heng outside the crowd.

However, his eyes caught the other side, but the other side was not looking at him, but looked at another place quietly.

Bai Liming followed his gaze and saw that General Chu Li was walking over the stone road casually.

The moment she stepped into the garden, she was surrounded by the eyes of the people around her. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The elders greeted her kindly, while the young masters saluted shyly and looked at her secretly.

With a polite smile on his face, the general walked all the way from the garden entrance.

Yu Chu saw Qu Heng from a distance and was about to go to say hello, but before she turned around, a young man greeted her with a shy smile, "General... Your Majesty and Lord Chu are waiting for you. Woolen cloth."

Yu Chu looked at the other party's heavily made-up face, thought for a moment, and then remembered that this was the young master of Baili's family.

She moved her gaze to the pavilion, and saw the smiling Queen and Mother Chu, as well as a gloomy-looking old woman holding a string of Buddha beads in her hand.

Yu Chu was heartbroken and walked to the pavilion with a smile.

Baili Ming pursed his lips and smiled shyly, half a step behind the general, as if he was following his wife. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He turned his head slightly proudly, and looked at Qu Heng indifferently.

Sure enough, the young man who didn't care about everything just now, but his eyes moved slightly at this time, his delicate face was faintly pale, and his thin lips were slightly pursed when he met his gaze.

Bai Liming felt that he had won a big victory, and followed the girl into the pavilion.

Yu Chu bowed to the queen and mother, then turned to the old woman and said with a smile, "Master Li."

The old woman sneered, and half-closed her eyes yin and yang, and said, "General Chu's trip back to Beijing is really glorious. Have pity on my old bones, and I have to attend the general's hundred flowers banquet."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, "Master Li's body is so tough, let alone attending my Hundred Flowers Banquet. If you are willing, you can invite Your Majesty to hold a Hundred Flowers Banquet yourself."

The old woman's face froze slightly.

The Queen couldn't help but laugh.

Prime Minister Li has always been serious and gloomy, holding the Buddha beads without saying a word. This time, a junior joked about choosing a husband, and he was inexplicably happy.

Prime Minister Li's face was ashen, gloomy and wonderful.

Mother Chu beside her immediately reprimanded: "No big or small."

The queen smiled and said, "It's okay, today is Li'er's banquet, it's time to let her go."

Yu Chu smiled and winked at the queen: "That's the reason, I'm just joking, mother, you also reprimanded me, didn't you underestimate the power of Prime Minister Li?"

The high-capacity hat was buckled down, and the old woman couldn't think of her temper anymore, so she had to hold her breath.

Yu Chu said, "Look, I will say that Mr. Li has a good stomach."

The old woman's face turned ashen again.

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