100 Ways to Get the Male God

1246. Chapter 1246 Female Honored Lady (25)


Although Huangfuling did not study hard, he still knew this poem.

These people bully the generals to protect the family and the country, haven't they studied?

She frowned and was about to speak, but the person beside her was ahead of her, smiling slightly: "The Preface to Mao's Poems says that Guan Ju praises the virtues of women. , the meaning has also changed a lot... You should praise me and my future husband with this poem, Chu Li dare not take it."

She said, nodding politely.

All the women in the pavilion were stunned.

She also knows a lot!

Didn't he say that he was guarding the border all year round, a reckless woman, and never read a book?

How can you even know this, and how can you subtly return it?

For a time, the expressions of the women were a little subtle.

They rely on superiority, that is, a sense of superiority with knowledge.

At this time, there is an embarrassment of being provoked by knowledge.

In the pavilion, Li Zhu gently tapped his finger on the corner of the table and stopped, and smiled: "I have heard the name of General Chu for a long time. It turns out that General Chu is not only able to fight and kill the enemy, but also has extensive knowledge."

"I'm just reading a little book in my spare time, it's not as good as the ladies who learn to be rich." Yu Chu looked calm.

Li Zhu smiled reluctantly.

Huangfu Ling, who was next to him, was elated and patted Yu Chu's shoulder heavily, "As expected of my court's number one general, capable of both writing and martial arts, this princess really admires me."

Chu Li counterattacked so beautifully, which made her feel relieved.

"Exactly." Li Zha also echoed with a smile, then turned to look at Yu Chu, and said, "Your Majesty personally bestowed the Hundred Flowers Banquet, and the general has no two in the limelight.

The girls in the pavilion all stared at Yu Chu.

Under the watchful eyes of the general public, the general smiled shyly, "Chu Li has to worry about his own family affairs, which is really unfortunate. You will know when you start giving hairpins."

This sentence is four or two thousand pounds, and nothing is revealed.

Moreover, they also satirized these inquiries about the news.

It is obvious that they are worrying.

The faces of the girls were a little delicate, and no one would have expected that the general who seemed to be easy to deal with after returning from the border would be so impeccable even in the emptiness and evil spirits of the capital.

And it still has the upper hand.

Only Huangfu Ling found it very enjoyable, and had a little more affection for the general who came back from the border.

A few people chatted for a while without laughing, before the waiter came to pass the message: "General, ladies and gentlemen, Your Majesty asked you to come over, and the ceremony of presenting the hairpin is being prepared."

The women looked at each other, and Li Zhu joked: "Let's go, the young masters in the capital are all waiting for General Chu Li's hairpin."

Huangfu Ling also pushed Yu Chu forward, "Come on, don't let the beauties wait."

She is also very curious about who Chu leaves to choose.

The women bypassed the rockery and came to the pavilion where the queen was.

In the Royal Garden, the pavilion for banquets occupies a large area.

The teenagers stood still, and in this pavilion, a hundred flowers bloomed and it was spectacular.

Bai Liming and Qu Heng stood together and saw a group of women walking towards them from a distance.

Even in the crowd, the girl seemed to have a kind of indifference and indifference, and her temperament like a sword drawn out of its sheath always caught the attention of the teenagers at a glance.

Bai Liming looked at Qu Heng beside him.

He had to admit that Qu Heng looked good from a distance, but now that he looked up close, his eyelashes were even more slender and thick, so he couldn't pick out a single fault.

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