100 Ways to Get the Male God

1248. Chapter 1248 Female Honored Lady (27)


The Qu family has not been completed like that, and Qu Heng has nothing to do with the general, so why did he still choose him?

Baili Ming's face flushed with shock, staring at the hosta, his feet seemed to be nailed to the spot.

Today's meticulously dressed up, showing off his might, at this moment, under that hairpin, is like a joke.

His eyes were slightly gray, and his teeth clenched his lips tightly. On the one hand, he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself. On the other hand, the young man holding the hairpin was even more jealous and wanted to kill him.

He gritted his teeth tightly and stood stiffly in place, his face flushed and his mind a little blank.

In the strange silence of everyone, the young man held the hosta with his slender fingers, his eyelashes trembled slightly, he looked up at the girl in front of him, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Yu Chu smiled and held his hand.

The temperature of the boy's fair-skinned fingertips was a little cold, but after being held, he soon became warm. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He was led to the Queen and Mother Chu without saying a word. Yu Chu led the people to salutation, and then smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Mother, I hope it will be fulfilled."

The Queen smiled and nodded, looking at Mother Chu beside her.

Mother Chu said lightly, "You two children have a marriage contract, so it's very good."

As soon as these words came out, the parents of the Qu family at the back finally breathed a sigh of relief, the mistress of the Qu family clearly showed joy, and she gently held the hand of the man beside her, "Fortunately there are you and Heng'er, Heng'er has been around since she was a child. I leave it to you to teach yourself, and now it seems that it is right."

The Prince of the County was originally pleased and happy, but after hearing this, he remembered the hardships of leaving Qu Heng to take care of himself, and his expression lightened: "You were doting on Liu Fujun back then, and you were willing to give Heng'er to me in the end. Take care, of course I...thank you for your grace."

The Mistress of the Qu family looked a little embarrassed, and quickly took his hand and apologized, "It's all my fault, don't be angry. If you are still angry, I will go back and divorce that concubine."

Since he ruined his face, he has not earned the favor of his wife and owner for so many years, but this time he can make her obey everything.

Qu Heng was held tightly by the girl, holding the hairpin in the other hand, slightly stiff.

The hands of the two held each other in their sleeves, Yu Chu's fingertips gently hooked his beautiful phalanx, feeling that the other party was getting stiffer, so he stopped teasing and let go of his hand slightly.

But just as she let go, the boy subconsciously pulled her again, and then paused, holding her hand tightly, his slender fingers spread out her palm little by little, and clasped it slowly and solemnly.

Yu Chu turned his head to look at him.

However, the young man's expression was cold, his eyelashes lowered, and there was no disturbance.

She couldn't help but smiled slightly, trying to make him not nervous, but now she was in front of the queen and it was not suitable to speak, so she didn't speak.

Moreover, this feeling of being tense makes people feel a little pleasant.

Such a clingy little girlfriend.

She smiled and held her little girlfriend.

But the ladies of the bookstore behind didn't look very good.

Li Zhu was almost unable to hold his breath, and wanted to step forward and separate the two directly.

The woman beside her whispered in a low voice, "She actually picked Prince Qu Heng..."

"The prince has always had no intention of marrying... Even if he has to marry, I'm afraid that he won't be so good to her in the future." Another sighed jealously.

"Yeah, she really picked the wrong one..."

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