100 Ways to Get the Male God

1253. Chapter 1253 Female Honored Lady (32)


"You have to live in harmony with the ladies, and don't cause trouble."

"When you encounter something, remember to tell the master, don't be angry with yourself. You are at the border all the year round, and those ladies are not your opponents, so let it go."

Yu Chu nodded while listening, feeling like a child who was just about to go to kindergarten.

After finally telling everything, Father Chu let her go.

Yu Chu sat in the carriage and yawned lazily.

It wasn't a question of whether she let others.

It's a question of whether others will come and find things.

She turned her head and asked, "Does His Royal Highness know about going to the book club today?"

The waiter outside the curtain replied respectfully, "Yes, Your Highness knows."

So Yu Chu felt at ease.

Father doesn't allow scumbags to be abused, can't they still abuse dogs?

The book club is a group of single dogs who covet the beauty of the prince.

Although several noble girls already have concubines, these girls are still young and have not married their husbands.

Although Yu Chu is not very old, her marriage contract was a banquet of flowers bestowed by Her Majesty the Queen.

The carriage galloped all the way, and soon came to the place where the book club was located.

This place is very elegant. It is a green mountain surrounded by clouds and mist. A small stone step stretches into the mountain, and there are green tree shadows on both sides.

The steps are covered with moss, and there is a babbling stream not far away.

"Sir, we need to get off the car and walk here." The driver reined in the reins and turned back to the car.

The waiter opened the curtain, Yu Chu jumped out of the car, and walked slowly towards the mountain.

The waiter followed her with something.

Going all the way to the middle of the mountain, I looked up and saw a plaque.

Inside is an exquisite cloister courtyard.

Yu Chu stepped in and heard the silence inside. It was still early, and probably no one came.

She took things from the waiter and left him outside.

In the spacious academy classrooms, old wooden tables and chairs are neatly arranged, with a ruler and a writing brush on them.

There are several books next to it.

She raised an eyebrow.

At the front table, stood an old figure, who was slowly writing with a brush. Hearing the movement, he raised his head and glanced.

She raised her white eyebrows slightly and said in a low voice, "This is General Chu Li who entered the book club today."

Yu Chu bowed to her, "It's the student."

Mr. Hanzhi, who taught in the book club, was not an official in the court, but he was highly respected by the world.

"Come here, write a word and I'll take a look." The old man said lightly to her.

Yu Chu walked over, and the old man stepped aside.

She had studied calligraphy in other worlds before, so she spread out the paper, pressed it lightly with a ballast, and then she hooked her lips and started writing slowly.

A look of surprise flashed in the old man's eyes.

The movement of the girl's writing was steady, her wrist was in the air, but she didn't tremble at all.

At first, the old man thought it was because she was at the border, using weapons, so her arm was very stable, but when the other party started to write slowly, she was even more surprised.

Beautiful and powerful font, as if practicing for years.


I'm sorry, I'm busy with other things. I really can't take care of it for the past two days. I'll take a look again, try to have more, or simply update it once a week in the future, a story. If you really can't care about this, just finish writing the main story, and finish it. If you can, just finish writing the story you want to write. The story I want to write probably can be written for a long time...cough. No one can read it, you can write it casually, but if someone reads it, it’s even worse. I’ll think about it again.【Support cheek】Good night

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