100 Ways to Get the Male God

1261. Chapter 1261 The lady is a lady (40)


In the past two weeks, the capital is full of calm with the coming storm.

The mistress of the Qu family did not know that she was about to face a great disaster.

The queen still smiled and faced Prime Minister Li every day, secretly monitoring her actions through Yu Chu's intelligence.

Li Zhu's incident made Prime Minister Li an unprecedented anger, and she quickly connected all the ministers under her command to start the plan against the Qu family in advance.

However, in the humble house outside the city, there was no tense atmosphere at all.

Qu Heng was not worried about this matter. He had no feelings for the Qu family.

The only important thing is his father, but with the secret protection of the general, there is no concern for his father's safety.

Now, the most important thing for Qu Heng is to cultivate the relationship between himself and his wife.

He put down the scroll in his hand and looked at the girl on the other side of the bookshelf from the gap in the bookshelf.

She was leaning against the bookshelf, reading attentively, the light from the indoor candles sprinkled on her side face, and the color was warm.

Qu Heng moved forward slightly, her fair fingertips resting on the bookshelf, and her cold eyes stared at her without blinking.

After looking at it for a long time, he took a step back, put down the book in his hand lightly, and said with a hook: "Wife, it's very late, it's time to take a bath and rest."

When Yu Chu heard the words, he raised his eyes and glanced at the candle.

I ordered it when I first came to the study, and it was almost finished.

She nodded, "Okay, then let's go back to rest, you also go to bed earlier."

Qu Heng narrowed his eyes and hummed lowly, but his thoughts were a little lost.

It's been a few days since I came to the humble house. Because they were never married, the two of them abide by etiquette and did not violate the rules.

For Qu Heng, being able to sleep in the room next to her gave him an indescribable peace of mind.

However, when I opened my eyes and looked at the top of the bed, my heart was always scratching like a kitten. He wished to be more intimate.

The young man has always been pure-hearted and has few desires, and he doesn't particularly want to go beyond the rules, but the wife and owner seem to have no intention of getting close to him at all, and this attitude makes him a little concerned.

Qu Heng put the scroll away, and walked out of the study with a low eye.

The two returned to the room together, Yu Chu ordered people to prepare for a bath, and the waiters rushed in and out, carrying water into the tub, and erecting a screen.

Yu Chu stepped into the room, and the teenager behind him paused and slowly entered with her.

With slender fingers, he gently undid the jade pendant hanging from his waist, Qu Heng lowered his eyes slightly, and before the general turned his face, he casually threw the things under the table.

Yu Chu turned his head and said, "It's getting late, A-Heng, you should go back and rest."

"Well." The young man slowly curved his eyes and glanced at the inner room covered by the screen, "Then I'll go back first, the wife and master have a good rest."

"it is good."

Yu Chu watched him go out, and then turned around and walked into the inner room. The tub was already placed, and the waiters bowed out of the room and closed the door.

Yu Chu naturally did not have the habit of letting the waiter wait and take a bath. Although in the Nvzun country, the ladies bathing are usually served by waiters.

She undressed behind the screen, stepped into the tub, and lay on the edge thoughtfully.

With the current situation in the capital, Lee Jae-yeon should start taking action.

She turned around, raised her hand slightly to shower, but suddenly heard a light knock on the door.

The youth's light voice was casual, "Master, can you come in?"

Yu Chu stopped and blinked, "What's wrong, A-Heng, is there something wrong?"

Outside the door, the boy's fair-skinned knuckles knocked on the door, with a calm expression, but there was a trace of tension in the depths of his pupils.

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