100 Ways to Get the Male God

1267. Chapter 1267 The lady is a lady (46)


She had to deal with matters in the capital first. In this case, it would be safe to have someone secretly protect Qu Heng.

"There is no need to worry about the prince and the prince, they will be fine," she comforted.

The young man nodded lightly.

Yu Chu was silent for a moment, and always felt that he was strange. She thought she was worried about the situation at home, so she stepped forward, took his hands, and kissed the corner of the boy's lips on tiptoe, "Okay, don't worry."

Feng Qing was quietly thinking about the plane, but suddenly he was held in his hands and kissed the corner of his lips.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and the Lord God blinked his eyelashes and said lightly, "I...I'm still worried."

Yu Chu patted him on the shoulder and pressed him on the seat, "My people are secretly protecting the prince of the county. When we return to Beijing, everything will be fine."

The Lord God frowned slightly, simply hooked her index finger around her collar, and flatly raised her head and kissed her on the lips.


After leaving the door, Yu Chu's mind was shattered by the kiss, and she regained consciousness slightly. She pursed her lips and instructed her subordinates in a low voice.

On the other hand, the Lord God casually stepped onto the carriage until halfway back to Beijing. The women in black ambushed the motorcade and opened the curtain of His Royal Highness. The young man inside looked up lazily and glanced at them casually.

Everyone felt a little cold on their backs, and for a while they didn't dare to go forward and arrest people.

After a while of silence, the young man got up and got off the car by himself, and said lightly, "Where are you going, let's go."

This scene is obviously very funny... How could the hostage take the initiative to ask where the robbers went?

But the few women in black didn't laugh inexplicably. Instead, they looked at each other honestly and led the way.

The teenager was blindfolded, tied his hands and wrists, and slowly followed to a noisy place, and then walked into a room. After the door was closed, the surroundings were much cleaner.

Someone outside the door whispered: "Where did you get this little man? He looks so good-looking."

"I don't know...haven't seen it."

Men with high-born backgrounds will not show up in the public, so it is not surprising that they have not seen the prince in the market.

The Lord God listened quietly.

"No matter where it came from, it has to be picked up tonight, right? He hasn't taught..."

"Rokuro will teach him later."

"Such a good-looking little man, I don't know how much money I'll get if I buy him for one night..."

"I heard at least this number..."

Then, the other person didn't know what to see, so he gasped and stopped talking.

Quiet outside the door.

The Lord God also stood there indifferently, not saying a word.

After a few minutes, someone came from outside the door, then opened the door, and came to take off the cloth strip on his eyes.

Feng Qing raised her eyes lightly and saw a middle-aged man in front of him, looking at him in amazement.

After looking at it for a long time, the young man didn't see any words, and the man was a little strange, and took the initiative to explain: "This gentleman, I bought you from the robbers, you are now from me, whether you like it or not. , I have to pick up a guest tonight."

Feng Qing blinked slowly, but did not speak.

"Now, let someone teach you some basic things first. If you don't study hard, you will be stunned and sent to the guest's bed at night, which is the same."

The middle-aged man said, his scalp felt a little numb, but it seemed to be just his own illusion.

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