100 Ways to Get the Male God

1271. Chapter 1271 The lady is a lady (50)


After sorting out Prime Minister Li Yu Dang, the capital finally calmed down completely.

The main god did not stay in the small plane for too long, and now the divine power is still very weak. If you want to set up your own plane, the divine power must be used carefully.

In short, she once made a wish to sleep with him after completing the task, and he agreed, so she was not afraid of her defaulting on her debt.

Moreover, what I learned on this plane...

He needs time to understand.

After the Lord God left the small plane, Yu Chu felt that the other party's gentle and considerate feeling came back.

Her spirit was also slightly relaxed.

The man was serious, it was scary.

Moreover, she always felt deja vu...

The couple's wedding is three months from now.

Early in the morning, Bailiming heard the noise outside. He pushed open the door impatiently and frowned when he saw that people were gathering together to discuss something, "What are you talking about?"

He suddenly appeared in the yard, and the servants hurriedly knelt down and saluted, "Young Master, Master."

Walking out the door at this time, Bai Liming heard that the front yard seemed to be more lively, and across a small bamboo forest, he could even hear gongs and drums on the street outside.

He frowned, "...What are you happy about? What's going on outside?"

The servants looked at each other in dismay, and one of them hesitantly said: "Young master, you forgot, today is the day when His Royal Highness and the general get married..."

Bai Liming was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly sank.

How could he forget.

The humiliation at the Hundred Flowers Banquet is still fresh in his mind, he doesn't dare to go out now, he just feels that everyone is laughing at him. And Qu Heng...

Baili Ming gritted his teeth.

He is competitive everywhere, how can he be willing to see Qu Heng better than himself...

The servants didn't look up to see his face, and kept whispering: "Her Majesty the Queen personally presides over, I heard that the general also pays special attention to it, the whole capital is very lively..."

"Shut up!" Bai Liming finally couldn't listen anymore, and sternly stopped the servant's voice.

A few people were startled by this sound, and they hurriedly fell to the ground, daring to speak.

Only then did Bai Liming turn gloomily into the room.

The general attached great importance to Qu Heng, the disturbance in the courtroom calmed down, and the Qu family began to be reused. No matter how jealous he was of Qu Heng, he could only grit his teeth secretly.

On the day of the wedding, several concubines of the Chu family looked at the general enviously and wished to replace him.

The girl, wearing a red robe and driving a tall horse, led the sedan chair back to the Chu family with a smile, and then dismounted herself to lead the bridegroom in the sedan chair.

The slender figure stepped out of the sedan chair, and poked out her white fingertips from under the red coat, and was held in the hands of the girl.

Chu's father and Chu's mother watched this scene kindly.

On the other side, the prince of the county watched his child get married, and his eyes were slightly moist. The Mistress of the Qu family held his fingertips flatteringly and whispered, "It's a good thing for Heng'er to marry the general, she should be happy, right?"

Three months ago, because of the framed accusation by Prime Minister Li, she was put in a prison, and was later released by the general.

The Mistress of the Qu family has understood that now all her net worth is in the hands of the Chu family, and the only connection between herself and the Chu family is Qu Heng.

She could only try to please her husband, and even dismissed the other concubines in the mansion to please the prince.

Before the change, the prince of the county must be very happy to please his wife and master. But since the Chaos in the Chaotang, he was rescued by the general, but he changed his mind.

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