100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1275 The end of the female honor (54)


Fanwai·Qu Heng


He hated the word "wife master".

Because I have seen too many examples, there has never been a man treated with tenderness by a woman. They have never seen them out of sincerity because of their power or their looks.

If it is really sincere, perhaps the title of "concubine" will never appear in this world.

He knew that he had a marriage contract, and he thanked him for a while, because the other party didn't come back often at the border, and with this marriage contract, no one in the capital would propose marriage to him, and he could refuse everyone's approach.

Because Qu Heng knew the mistress. As long as it can be exchanged for benefits, she is willing to give him to anyone.

In such a dynasty and situation, the possibility of a man resisting his mother's arrangement of marriage is absolutely zero.

He passed peacefully for many years until he heard that General Chu Li was going back to Beijing.

In fact, Qu Heng was not nervous, because he clearly knew that the Chu family could not choose him.

And it takes time for the mother to re-select the right person.

On the day the girl general returned to Beijing, Qu Heng didn't plan to join in the fun to watch it. He didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Then, he saw someone.

The face hidden behind the power fence was slightly crimson, and he stared at the figure of the horse without blinking, feeling in a trance that he seemed to have waited for her for many years.

He wasn't nervous before because he knew that the Chu family couldn't choose him.

But now, because it is clear that the marriage contract has been voided, the young man is beginning to feel lost.

From the first time they met, to the later time when the two of them had a mutual understanding, the young man who used to have no turbulent relationship began to look forward to it, and even began to be persistent.

He had been powerless to tolerate his father.

But then I thought, if it is his wife and master, who no longer likes him one day, can he leave her?

Perhaps equally impossible.

In fact, Qu Heng did not expect that at the Hundred Flowers Banquet, he would be chosen.

Since the meeting, the general has shown a favorable impression of himself, but perhaps because of his looks.

However, as the husband of the Chu family, he felt that she and the Chu family had better candidates.

He could have refused to go, but ended up going with his parents. This is a very complicated psychology, even if she chooses someone else, he wants to watch.

Even if you can pierce your heart with arrows.

The young man was ready to face any cynicism and sarcasm with a careless look in his eyes.

Bai Liming came to provoke him, but he didn't have any reaction in his heart when he saw it.

The only sadness that she felt overwhelmed was when she finally walked in, but was greeted by Baili Ming and walked towards the pavilion.

The man was half a step behind and followed her obediently, as if following his wife.

Qu Heng thought he was ready, so he dared to come here, but this scene was like an awl piercing his heart, blood dripping, he finally couldn't help showing a hint of expression, even though he knew that Bailiming was deliberately showing it to himself, the most decent The solution was to smile coldly instead of looking pale, but at that moment, he was really unbearable.

She didn't know, she finally chose him, what was in his mind at that time.

She said that the ladies in the capital thought he didn't like her, which Qu Heng thought was strange.

He didn't understand at all why those noble girls had such an illusion.

When he held the hairpin, she decided that she had chosen him as her husband, his eternal wife.

Life after life.

Life and death do not last.

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