100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1278 Modern Blood Race (3)


Since ancient times, the blood race has split into two factions, the secret party and the demon party.

The secret party advocates hiding from the world and avoiding war, while the demon party is the opposite, advocating killing the blood in exchange for the power and rule of the blood race.

For a long time, because the blood race has weakened since ancient times, it has always been the secret party that has the upper hand.

But now the situation is about to reverse.

The King of Demons is about to wake up.

At that time, no one can guarantee whether the current world order will be stable.

However, vampires who have been sleeping for thousands of years will experience a period of weakness when they just wake up.

Debilitating periods can be as short as a few months or as long as a few years.

The Secret Party must defeat the Demon Party King within this period of time and seal him again, so as to avoid the disaster of war.

Seeing that the black-clothed vampires of the demonic party in front were protecting the coffin and moving quickly, the bats spread their delicate wings and wrapped around the coffin, like a mysterious and evil chain, passing through the high sky of the city.

The people of the secret party stopped, "Separately intercept, make sure to stop the coffin before they are successfully transferred."


The chasing secret party was divided into two teams and went around from different directions to implement an interception plan.

The Demon Party King is about to wake up, and the Demon Party will move his position for him. Once the Demon Party enters the forbidden area of ​​the blood race, the Demon Party King's power will be stronger than ever.

By then, the period of weakness may no longer exist.

Today, the coffin must be stopped.

The vision in the sky was not captured by ordinary people, but it could not escape the high-altitude surveillance organization.

The high-level government and the Secret Service are all aware of these alien races hidden among ordinary humans. The two parties have signed an agreement that the government will not interfere with the lives of alien races and allow alien races to live normally among humans.

But the aliens must also abide by the contract and not use their abilities to disturb the order of mankind.

what is it today?

The Secret Service chief frowned. "What are they doing? Who is the closest agent?"

"The data shows that the place where No. 23 has just completed the task is near the building."

"Let her observe it up close... But," the director pondered, "don't get too close."

They need to obtain some information, but the director has self-knowledge that when these aliens fight, no matter how powerful the agents can only retreat.

The subordinate replied quickly, "Yes."

After a few minutes.

Yu Chu gently landed on the top of the building from the safety ladder, and stuffed the last potato chip into his mouth.

Is this overtime?

The structure of this building is very special. The top is a huge three-dimensional text and pattern, which surrounds the entire top. It looks beautiful from a distance, but being in it is like being in a labyrinth with roads everywhere.

She bent down carefully, took a few steps along a path extended by a pattern, and hid behind her.

The various qualities of the agents are the limits of human beings. In a sense, this is also a kind of ability. Even if they do not have the magic skills of aliens, they are qualified to be on a par with them.

Coupled with the operation of Martial Arts, holding her breath, the person standing at the other end of the building did not notice her at all.

"Hand over the coffin." One of the men in black stretched out their hands to the other.

coffin? ? ?

Yu Chu frowned.

The agent did not have the right to know about the alien race, and the original owner had no memory. And these have nothing to do with Yu Chu's revenge mission, and the plot data is not displayed.

Traversal only provides assistance that helps in the task, and does not create an omniscient and omnipotent plug-in.

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