100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1295 of the modern blood family (20)


The most striking thing is not the appearance of the young man, but a vaguely ancient temperament, like the elegant nobleman in the mural, sitting lazily, the color of his eyes, such as the color of wine, is immersed in the night light.

Yu Chu was a little surprised by this appearance, but he didn't show it on his face, and walked over plainly.

The waiter who brought her bowed his head respectfully to the man: "Sir, someone has already brought her here."

The other party hummed, his eyes looked straight in, and the fine gems embellished under the jet-black neckline shone slightly from this angle, lining his fair to pale face, showing a strange and elegant beauty.

The waiter bowed and stepped back, and Anrolios said lightly to the girl, "You... come here."

Yu Chu didn't know the details of him, let alone the purpose of this person letting her come here. She walked over calmly on the surface, but she was a little wary in her heart.

The young and elegant vampire, at this time, was restraining his displeasure, and his expression seemed a little cold. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Under the watchful eyes of the audience below, the waitress came to the noble boy, but was suddenly held by her hand, and she was pulled into the boy's arms.

The venue below was agitated for a moment.

No one expected that the waitress who was brought out from Bert halfway seemed to have no complicated reasons, but was just attracted by this young master...

The boy who was sitting alone looked like an elegant and noble aristocrat, but at this time a beautiful girl was sitting in his arms, and the picture suddenly became a bit blushing and ambiguous, and the expression of the boy under the light was still the same as before. of elegance and indifference.

Even Yu Chu was shocked for a moment, and immediately put his hand on the other person's shoulder, "Sir..."

The vampire squinted his eyes lazily, his red and thin lips curled into an arc, but his smile was not warm, but rather strangely elegant, "Don't move."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt ;

His voice was cold.

Yu Chu stopped pushing and refusing, bit his lower lip slightly, and stared at the delicate neckline in front of him. The finely shimmering gems were blood-red, and the color was strange and extravagant.

He was also slightly cold, and there was a faint scent at close range. Yu Chu raised his head slightly, and saw that the other party was also drooping his eyes, and the wine red eyes just met hers.

"I heard that Wharton's waiters can provide special services, eh?" The young man's temperament is still elegant and noble, and his tone is even slow and elegant, but the meaning is an undisguised rogue.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, and then calmly said: "If you need it, sir, I can recommend people who are good at our reception for you, and they will provide good service."

Anluolius paused for a while, the originally suppressed emotions, when he heard this sentence, suddenly became a little out of control.

The slave blood servant he liked, it would be fine if he left him and walked away alone, and he still looked like he didn't want to approach him.

He curled his lips into a smile, and in the natural grace and charm of the blood clan, there was a trace of cruel nature, approached unhurriedly, smiled like a gentleman, opened his lips lightly and asked, "Are you rejecting me? "

Yu Chu had to be silent.

If it is a standard waiter, naturally there is no right to refuse, but only to please.

Moreover, despite the gentleman's tone of the distinguished guest in front of him, it always makes people feel a strange smile.

Like a combination of elegance and cruelty.

She didn't speak again.

The young Demon King was slightly satisfied, his lowered eyes stopped at the girl's neckline, and he frowned.


Well, there is still in the morning~

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