100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1297 of the modern blood family (22)


Yu Chu didn't know who the people who surrounded him were, and he wasn't sure at this time whether those people would do anything to him while surrounding the teenager.

At this time only the cooperation...

She paused for a while, then relaxed her resisting stance, fell silently into the boy's arms, and hugged him.

The young vampire squinted his eyes comfortably, and put a hand on her waist, the girl shrank in his arms, and the sense of satisfaction was fascinating.

He glanced lazily at the people.

After unblocking the power, the power of the demon king will obviously attract attention, and will also attract people from the secret party.

However, these people did not dare to act rashly. And...they seemed to think they weren't exposed.

The bright red and thin lips evoked an elegant and charming arc, the pretty index finger of the blood clan tapped on the armrest, and the other hand was still on the girl's waist, with a flat expression.

He suddenly lowered his eyes, looked at the girl lying in his arms, and said displeasedly, "o2516, the password you want."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was talking about the password she wanted to get from Bert.

She didn't doubt the accuracy of the password, it was just a little strange, the other party's tone sounded a bit...

Don't seem too happy?

But this feeling was only fleeting, and the boy's face still had a dull expression. Yu Chuping looked at the intricate and delicate patterns on his neckline, and heard the other party's lazy voice, "Follow me in ten seconds."

She paused.

Although she didn't know what kind of grievances the people who surrounded her had with him, but at this time she was already involved in a dispute... She had to cooperate and then go home.

"How do you know my mission?" she whispered. "Who are you and why are you surrounded?"

Anrolios raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that his slave was very smart, and his questions were very skillful.

The first question asked about all the ties he had with her since he woke up, and the last two questions asked about the blood clan faction and thousands of years of blood clan history.

He was slightly pleased, and his pale fingers stroked her neck, "Well, I'll answer you when I have time."

Ten seconds later, the crystal lamp in the hall at noon suddenly fell without warning. No one reacted. The other lamps went out one after another. The screams splashed, and there was a sudden confusion.

The young man in front of him also stood up, Yu Chu didn't respond, he was hugged by his waist, two slender legs were wrapped around the young man's slender waist, she subconsciously wrapped around his neck, in exchange for a faint smile .

The thin lips seemed to be close to her ears, and the laughter was extraordinarily provocative, making people's ears hot.

Yu Chu immediately adjusted his mood, jumped off him, his hand was held in the palm of the other's hand, and in the darkness, he led him forward without rushing.

She asked again, "Why are you looking for me?"

If he was looking for someone to confuse the enemy, why did he just find her in Box 6? And he knew her mission...unless he had investigated her.

But this plane is obviously the first time to meet.

The other party didn't answer, and led her forward slowly. In the darkness, she walked out of the hall without any hindrance, and then came to a corridor outside.

There was chaos in the hall.

"Come with me." Yu Chu suddenly held the boy's hand, pushed him into the cloakroom next to him, then closed the door and pushed him into one of the closets.

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